Does my friend's puppy need to see a vet? How do I convince him to do so?

My boyfriend's roommate has a young dog under a year old. 1 week ago, we discovered that the outside flap of the puppy's ear was extremely swollen, the size of a person's thumb. It was too late to see the vet, so he decided to wait till morning. The next…

    Does my friend's puppy need to see a vet? How do I convince him to do so?

    My boyfriend's roommate has a young dog under a year old. 1 week ago, we discovered that the outside flap of the puppy's ear was extremely swollen, the size of a person's thumb. It was too late to see the vet, so he decided to wait till morning. The next…...
    General Dog Discussions : Does my friend's puppy need to see a vet? How do I convince him to do so?...

    • Does my friend's puppy need to see a vet? How do I convince him to do so?

      Does my friend's puppy need to see a vet? How do I convince him to do so? General Dog Discussions
      My boyfriend's roommate has a young dog under a year old. 1 week ago, we discovered that the outside flap of the puppy's ear was extremely swollen, the size of a person's thumb. It was too late to see the vet, so he decided to wait till morning. The next morning, after going outside and getting his paws dirty, my friend put his dog in the bathtub to clean him, and when the water hit his ear, it exploded with blood. Apparently the tub was covered in blood and it continued to ooze. We have no idea why the ear was so swollen in the first place. The vet office didn't open for another couple hours so my friend cleaned up the pup and the bathroom and waited to call. When he called, the vet said they would have just drained it anyway, and it would heal. The ear was split open on the tip of his ear about an inch in length. My friend refused to take him to the vet, so my boyfriend and I, not having the money to do so ourselves, got bandages, alcohol, a blowup-cone like protector, and Neosporin to clean and wrap the ear up. It started to heal and close up, but continued to open up whenever he shook his head and would ooze clear/pink color liquid. Now a week later it has become more swollen with each day, still oozes, and although not gaping open, it is not completely closed and is slightly discolored. It is not white, yellow, or green the way an infected cut may be, but it is not healing normal! I have tried over and over to convince my friend that the dog needed to be seen by a vet to drain, clean, and properly bandage the ear, but he will not listen to me. He keeps making the argument that the dog wouldn't die of this if he were in the wild, and that his body needs to fight it off and heal itself. Does the puppy need to see a vet? And how do I convince my friend to take the dog in? The puppy cries every time we try and touch the ear to look at it. He keeps shaking his head and is constantly trying to scratch it. He was sleeping a lot at first when it happened but his temperament seems to be normal other than acting annoyed or bothered by the ear. What should I do?

      Does my friend's puppy need to see a vet? How do I convince him to do so?

      Does my friend's puppy need to see a vet? How do I convince him to do so? General Dog Discussions
    • yes it needs to be seen by a vet if it was my dog i wouldnt take much convincing thats enough to make any loving owner panic the vets are open for emergency's just like a hospital its open 24hrs strictly for emergency's at least our vets are they still have sick pets to look after in the vets over night you can take your dog to get seen.hold your dog and try stop the bleeding but yeah you must see a vet soon as possible.

    • It was probably an aural hematoma. Some dogs are prone to them, and get them over and over again. It usually happens from the dog constantly shaking its head or scratching its ears, often due to an infection, but some dogs just get them.Yes, he should be at least checked out by the vet. If it keeps recurring, he'll need to have surgery done to stop it coming back. Ask your friend what he would do if HIS ear was swollen and exploded in a bloody mess... he'd obviously go to the doctor. So the dog should see a vet.

    • A lack of veterinary care when it is obviously called for is a crime referred to by animal control as cruelty abuse neglect, per California Penal Code 597.1 Tell the owner of this dog he will be reported if he does not get the dog to a veterinarian immediately as is so apparently needed, and call the SPCA if they don't take the dog for help. He won't be in trouble if he takes the dog to the vet now, even though it obviously should have gone in at first. He needs to know this isn't acceptable, and you don't need to cover for him any longer. He should surrender this dog to a reputable shelter, ideally. Any dog deserves to be cared for better than this, no excuses. Don't make any more for him.