How long should I keep using ProMeris for dogs after seeing results before switching to another product?

When I got my puppy Zeus in January, he has Demodect Mites on his side and front legs, causing small areas of hair loss. The vet recommended using ProMeris, a flea and tick prevention medicine with ingredients to also battle the mites. It's now July,…

    How long should I keep using ProMeris for dogs after seeing results before switching to another product?

    When I got my puppy Zeus in January, he has Demodect Mites on his side and front legs, causing small areas of hair loss. The vet recommended using ProMeris, a flea and tick prevention medicine with ingredients to also battle the mites. It's now July,…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long should I keep using ProMeris for dogs after seeing results before switching to another product?...

    • How long should I keep using ProMeris for dogs after seeing results before switching to another product?

      How long should I keep using ProMeris for dogs after seeing results before switching to another product? General Dog Discussions
      When I got my puppy Zeus in January, he has Demodect Mites on his side and front legs, causing small areas of hair loss. The vet recommended using ProMeris, a flea and tick prevention medicine with ingredients to also battle the mites. It's now July, and there are no signs of bald spots--do I need to keep using ProMeris or can I switch to another product, like Frontline?

      How long should I keep using ProMeris for dogs after seeing results before switching to another product?

      How long should I keep using ProMeris for dogs after seeing results before switching to another product? General Dog Discussions
    • Call and ask your vet. They'll usually make a recommendation over the phone at no charge. The thing about demodectic mange is they're the mites that naturally live on a dog. Without knowing what caused them to go crazy in the first place, you won't know what might cause them to flare up again. Just be aware that you may need to use it again in the future. But I suspect it would be fine to switch your pup anytime.