I think my dog ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half a hershey kiss.?

My 35 pound puggle might have ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half of a hershey kiss that was left on the table. He seems fine. I've heard a lot of different thing on dogs and chocolate. Just wanted things cleared up.

    I think my dog ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half a hershey kiss.?

    My 35 pound puggle might have ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half of a hershey kiss that was left on the table. He seems fine. I've heard a lot of different thing on dogs and chocolate. Just wanted things cleared up....
    General Dog Discussions : I think my dog ate half of a chocolate chip cookie and half a hershey kiss.?...

    • Chocolate attacks the liver and does the damage that can not be reversed. If he act it it's done. He will not die like he drank poison, it works slowly.

    • Chocolate is bad for dogs, but I don't think that small amount will hurt. One time a long time ago my mom was picking me up from school and we stopped to run an errand, and I didn't realize that my lunchbox was open, and when we got back to the car my greyhound, who was in the car (well, obviously), ate my chocolate brownie, including the plastic it was wrapped in, and he was fine. Sorry, that was kind of a run-on sentence. My point is, if my dog could eat a whole brownie plus the plastic wrap, I'm sure a kiss and a few chocolate chips won't hurt. I don't mean to ramble, but my dog has also been known to eat all the Valentine's Day candy, which he got from the counter...including the wrappers. Sorry that answer was so long.