Will dogs really die from eating chocolate?

My dog got into chocolate and I'm not sure if I should take it seriously or not. It was a little piece of a brownie and now I'm freaking out about it. What's the real answer?My dog got into chocolate and I'm not sure if I should take it seriously or not.…

    Will dogs really die from eating chocolate?

    My dog got into chocolate and I'm not sure if I should take it seriously or not. It was a little piece of a brownie and now I'm freaking out about it. What's the real answer?My dog got into chocolate and I'm not sure if I should take it seriously or not.…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will dogs really die from eating chocolate?...

    • real answer:Worms...dark rich choc is real bad in large amounts.cadbury cream egg on a smaller dog = deathbrownie choc, egg, flour, milk, water = not to big deal, give the dog plenty of treats and lots of water..keep an eye on the animal throughout the night.I would even go so far as to give it some ham or sandwich meat. anything to dilute the pure choc in its stomach..if looks bad in the am, call the vet.dont worry.i think there is a web site that tells the amount of choc your dog can eat based on its weight.. keep in mind....its pure dark choc that is bad.

    • From what I understand the answer is yes, My dog actually grabbed a snickers bar from me and before I got it back it was to late, and nothing happen to him, so I assume that it would have to be a lot of chocolate in order for the dog to die.

    • I have seen a small dog eat a whole pan of brownies with no effect, all dog are different just watch yours. If it was a small amount I would not worry. At the most may just throw up. You know too, not allow onions either, they make my dogs throw up. I just recently learned that grapes can be bad for dogs in large quantity's because it can cause internal bleeding. Effects the blood vessels in dogs.

    • The short answer is no, he will not die. There is an ingredient in chocolate that does not agree with dogs, but for an average size dog, he would have to eat about 10 whole blocks of chocolate. I breed and show Lhasa Apsos, and they all get one square each of milk Chocolate as their bedtime treat, cheers, john

    • YOU REALY NEED ANOTHER ANSWER !!!!!!!!!! dehydrates them cause chocolote gives diarea a bad name with dogs . and you'll never know with a good dog cause they go puddy eles where . Okay?

    • Due to diuretic effect a dog that eats large quanities of cholocate may pass large volumes of urine and become unusually thirsty. the ingrediate so deadly to dogs is a substance called theobromide. There have been several cases of dogs dying from eating too much chocolate: www.snopes.com/critters and www.baringvet.net/chocolate.

    • So they say but my mum gave her 2 dogs chocolate every day and they was fine.I've got 2 dog's now and give them chocolate but only now and again since i heard it's so bad for them.I think it depends on the size of the dog and how much they eat of itWe have allways had collie size dog's and of course we wouldn't give them a massive bar but a mars bar or something that size is fineMy friend's all give their dogs chocolate as well as I've never known a dog that has got ill from it.P.S CHOCOLATE DOES NOT GIVE A DOG WORM'S THAT'S A LOAD OF RUBBISH.IF THAT WAS THE CASE MY MUM'S DOGS WOULD HAVE HAD THEM AND MY DOGS WOULD 2 AND ALL MY FRIENDS DOGS AS WELL.AS NONE OF THE DOGS I KNOW GOT WORM'S BY EATING CHOCOLATE AND THIS IS THE FIRST I'VE HEARD OF IT I'D SAY IT'S CRAP!

    • According to a story I read about dogs getting into Halloween chocolate, it can be very harmful and even fatal. The darker the chocolate, the worse for the dog, also depending on the amount eaten and the size of the animal. For all the technical stuff, you can read the story at http://www.all-dog-supplies.com/halloween_chocolate.htm if you're that interested. There is a cool story there on how a dog was rescued and given a good home (and how he got his name, Owen). In my opinion, though, I don't know why so many people on here give their dogs chocolate as a treat. If there's even a chance it is harmful, why take the chance? How many answers on here say something like 'I know it can kill them in a large enough quantity, so I just give them one square a day'? I wonder if those same people, upon finding out that a teaspoon a day of arsenic in their coffee will kill, will just add half a teaspoon?

    • THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT .... to all those who have said it is Ok for a dog to be fed chocolate you are infact wrong. It has NOTHING to do with worms but a chemical called THEOBROMINE. This chemical does not break down easily in the digestive system.. it is an accumaltive poison meaning that if you feed your dog chocolate on a daily basis you are making it harder for the poision to break down and you are risking killing your dog ... STRANGELY enough the chemical is also toxic to humans BUT our bodies can break it down a lot easier and it would take an awful lot to affect us.If your dog has accidently consummed a tiny amount of chocolate YOU MAY BE FINE .. but please phone your vet ASAP BEFORE you read any more YAHOO answers .. as it is evident that many people here are not aware of the facts ( not attacking them as we all think we know about things we don't)

    • With just a little bit he may be okay. It is still not a good idea to let him have it. Chocolate has a toxin in it dogs can't process. It can build up in their systems and cause death. Even if your dog goes through this with no problem, please keep the chocololate away from the dog. It can also cause them digestive pain, etc.Your precious dog is not worth taking a chance in the future.This is a link to an article of chocolate toxicity and how to calculate how much chocolate per your dogs weight is toxic.http://www.vetinfo4dogs.com/dtoxin.html#Chocolate%20toxicity

    • I dont think that you're dog will die. But giving dogs chocolate can make them really ill. Mabe giving chocolate VERY rarely its ok, cause my mate does it.

    • There is a chemical called Theobromine in chocolate that is poisonous to dogs. The amount needed to make a dog sick or kill them varies with the size of the dog. It can effect the central nervous system and the heart. Yes, I have seen dogs get into chocolate and they can be just fine. Still, I would keep all chocolate away from all dogs, simply because you just don't know how much it will take to make him/her sick or kill him/her. Also stay away from raisins and onions. Grapes and raisin ingestions can lead to acute renal failure, and onions can lead to a particular type of anemia.