is Chocolate poisinous to dogs?

what will happen if i feed my dog chocolate?i heard it is poisonous to them. is this true?not that i want to but just to make sure

    is Chocolate poisinous to dogs?

    what will happen if i feed my dog chocolate?i heard it is poisonous to them. is this true?not that i want to but just to make sure...
    General Dog Discussions : is Chocolate poisinous to dogs?...

    • yes it is true, it will probably make your dog very ill and maby even die. so i wouldnt risk it uness u h8 ur dog. luk

    • It's not that chocolate is poisonous to your dog (cats, etc.), it's the caffiene in it that is bad. If an animal eats too much chocolate, the caffiene will make their heart race to the point that they will die. I don't feed any of my pets any kind of sweets. Refinded sugar, caffiene, etc. is not good for humans or animals and most animals are smaller than humans. So multilply the affects proportionately.

    • A big popular culture dog book written by a phd says you can feed anything to your dog. While fully credentialed, you've got to be concerned with: #1) Sales of the book; #2) Absolute words like 'anything'.When feeding your dog:Some people swear by no processed foods. Reason: Preservateves are chemicals (chemi-kills).Some people swear by no cooked meals. Reason: Bacteria are harmful if the food is not prepared properly and removed if not eaten.In Hawaii, dogs eat coconuts. :)I'm not a doctor and I don't write books for a living, but I would say that dogs didn't have a means to contact chocolate in the wild. Therefore, while not harmful to them, it probably stands to reason that it does more harm than good if digested in excess.So, after all that you want an answer...(indecisive as hell here)...I'm going to go with not poisonous (because there would have to be warning labels on candy bars), but probably causes constipation, stomach problems, or whatever if not given in moderation.Go as the Dog Whisperer. :)

    • Chocolate has theobromine (its a cardiac stimulant) and it will make you dog be hyperactive. It will increase your dogs heart rate and signs of chocolate sickness wont be seen for hours, so keep chocolate away from it.

    • Yes, chocolate is poisonous. Some months ago, a friend of mine had a beautiful, well-loved dog die after eating mulch made from the bark of the same tree that makes chocolate. Not pleasantly either.Some chocolates are a little less toxic, and like many poisons more body mass does help to keep the poison from being so concentrated. But I'm not so sure I wish to find out for myself what the critical mass is.

    • yeah its bad to feed a dog chocolate! their allergic to the caffine in chocolate and then all the sugar and stuff is just bad! it can sometimes be fatal to a dog! my dog ate 2 boxes of valentine chocolate and threw up all day and couldnt hardly walk but luckily he was ok after the day was over! but yeah its bad to give a dog chocolate

    • its very bad for them and that's why today i am shock b\c my dog ate like all the chocolate a friend of mine gave me and it was about i say 12 piece of chocolate and he is alive but now i put my chocolate some were else

    • YES! I am in agreement with the long answer you were give. In rather small amounts it can make a dog violently ill and in larger amounts can kill them. Many years ago I had a Great Dane get into a box of chocolate milk powder mix and within a hour we had to rush her to the vets. She had to have an operation to save her life and during the whole thing also went into shock. It was awful. More recently my Jack Russell age a "little" chocolate off a plate that he dug out of the trash. But I watched him closely to make sure he was okay. Play it safe NO CHOCOLATE!!! They can eat carob.