How long does it take until dogs are affected by chocolate poisoning?
My dog ate some chocolate cupcakes and now my mom is wondering how long on average does it take until poison affects a dog?
How long does it take until dogs are affected by chocolate poisoning?
My dog ate some chocolate cupcakes and now my mom is wondering how long on average does it take until poison affects a dog?... General Dog Discussions : How long does it take until dogs are affected by chocolate poisoning?...
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it often varies on the amount of chocolate they ingest. sometimes symptoms don't develop (trust me, I have 8 dogs) at all, but I suggest taking your dog immediately to the vet.your dog could die if it isn't treated on time by the vet.
DON'T WAIT!!!!??!! Look up an emergency vet in the phone book. Call them and tell them what happened. They will want to know how much your dog weighs and how many cupcakes it ate. That will determine how serious it is - the smaller the dog, the worse the risk.The vet will tell you what to do - do it, don't let your dog get sick or worse.Good luck!
if the dog just ate it, take it to a vet and he/she will give the dog a safe liquid that enduces imediate vomitting. i doubt one cupcake is harmful enough to do serious damage. when a dog gets into a say a chocolate bar that is all chocolate, then you have a serious problem. since there is so many other ingrediants in the cupcake, it may not be affected as harmfully as solid chocolate. but yes take it to the vet right away, you can never be too safe.
Sometimes dogs are not that affected by small amounts of chocolate. My dogs have done that as well. They had a small stomach upset which was very mild and went away the next day. One had diarrhoea for a few days but nothing serious. If you are that worried go to your vet and tell them your problem and see what they say.GOOD LUCK by the way the cupcakes must have been good