Can dogs get sick from eating fried rice?

My girlfriend forgot about leaving a bowl of Chinese fried rice on the floor next to the couch when we went outside for a second. When we came back our 2 boston terriers ate the whole bowl. I'm just wondering if rice can be fatal or anything for dogs…

    Can dogs get sick from eating fried rice?

    My girlfriend forgot about leaving a bowl of Chinese fried rice on the floor next to the couch when we went outside for a second. When we came back our 2 boston terriers ate the whole bowl. I'm just wondering if rice can be fatal or anything for dogs…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can dogs get sick from eating fried rice?...

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    • Can dogs get sick from eating fried rice?

      Can dogs get sick from eating fried rice? General Dog Discussions
      My girlfriend forgot about leaving a bowl of Chinese fried rice on the floor next to the couch when we went outside for a second. When we came back our 2 boston terriers ate the whole bowl. I'm just wondering if rice can be fatal or anything for dogs like chocolate or grapes. Of course we will be keeping an eye on them but just wanted to ask.Also, is there anything I can do to make them feel better?

      Can dogs get sick from eating fried rice?

      Can dogs get sick from eating fried rice? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs should not ingest anything other than dog food.They can get sick but dont get to worried, they should be fine.If you do see any unusual changes in the way they act, take them to the vet.I hope I helped.

    • They'll probably be just fine - although they may be thirsty. Fried rice is often made with soy sauce, which conatins a lot of salt. Other than that and a possible food allergy, there isn't much in there to hurt them.

    • Rice is actually what you feed to a dog that has an upset stomach. Fried rice, though, has other stuff in it so your dogs might get diarrhea and/or an upset stomach if they ate too much. Definitely not fatal or anything to worry about though.

    • Rice does not hurt dogs. If there was MSG in the fried rice, then it can poison the dog, 1 or two tablespoons of plain MSG can kill it , there probably isn't much in the fried rice, or none at all if you cooked it yourself. but just watch out.

    • If the fried rice contained onions, then it can be a problem. Enough onions in a dog could cause damage to the red blood cells, with kidney damage as the result. If there were onions in the rice, it would be best to have the dogs checked out by a vet, so they can run some bloodwork.

    • yes. its fried and greasy which dogs shouldnt eat and arent accustomed to. it wont kill them but it could make them throw up or have diarrhea. like u said just keep an eye on them and make sure they are drinking water. good luck