Why is my dog's body doing strange things?

My dog curls up and stays in one spot for hours at a time during storms and today, she got up and her body was tensing up and shifting backwards. It's hard to explain. It's like she was backing up in one spot but not walking. Later, when she lay down…

    Why is my dog's body doing strange things?

    My dog curls up and stays in one spot for hours at a time during storms and today, she got up and her body was tensing up and shifting backwards. It's hard to explain. It's like she was backing up in one spot but not walking. Later, when she lay down…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why is my dog's body doing strange things?...

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    • Why is my dog's body doing strange things?

      Why is my dog's body doing strange things? General Dog Discussions
      My dog curls up and stays in one spot for hours at a time during storms and today, she got up and her body was tensing up and shifting backwards. It's hard to explain. It's like she was backing up in one spot but not walking. Later, when she lay down again, she seem to tense up again several times... like she was having some kind of spasms. I'm not a dog person as I have had cats for years. Please advise. Thanks.Of course, I am taking her to the vet... I am just wondering if anyone has ever had a similar experience with their dog.

      Why is my dog's body doing strange things?

      Why is my dog's body doing strange things? General Dog Discussions
    • She could be having seizures. Seizures could be varying in symptoms to just standing in a frozen position staring for 30 seconds, to falling down, losing consciousness, and rigidity in the limbs.You should take her to the vet regardless of what the problem is.