Can dogs die eating a Chocolate Cake?

My puppy jumped on the table and ate half of a chocolate cake. I'm freakin out cuz I love her more than anything and I don't want anything bad to happen. Do all kinds of dogs die from chocolate or just certain ones? Is it even an effect at all? Because…

    Can dogs die eating a Chocolate Cake?

    My puppy jumped on the table and ate half of a chocolate cake. I'm freakin out cuz I love her more than anything and I don't want anything bad to happen. Do all kinds of dogs die from chocolate or just certain ones? Is it even an effect at all? Because…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can dogs die eating a Chocolate Cake?...

    • Can dogs die eating a Chocolate Cake?

      Can dogs die eating a Chocolate Cake? General Dog Discussions
      My puppy jumped on the table and ate half of a chocolate cake. I'm freakin out cuz I love her more than anything and I don't want anything bad to happen. Do all kinds of dogs die from chocolate or just certain ones? Is it even an effect at all? Because it's a cake, is it not as bad as solid chocolate? Is there anything I can do to prevent it right now?

      Can dogs die eating a Chocolate Cake?

      Can dogs die eating a Chocolate Cake? General Dog Discussions
    • Many people think of chocolate as the ultimate treat, but this innocent, but fattening treat can be deadly for dogs. A lively Beagle, finding an open bag of chocolate morsels, wolfed them down as fast as he could. His owner thought little of the incident, and cleaned up the mess left by his pet. That evening the dog collapsed and died. What would cause the healthy dog to die so suddenly, a new canine virus? No, the ailment was a little known, but nonetheless deadly problem called Chocolate Toxicosis, or chocolate poisoning.The element in the chocolate that is so deadly to dogs is a substance called Theobromide. The size of the dog and type of chocolate have a bearing on the amount of "Goodie" that will cause toxic results. Chocolate is not a treat that pet owners should dole out to their unsuspecting but loving canine friends.Holidays are especially dangerous times, when large quantities of candy and other chocolate treats may be found in the home. Chocolate has a tempting taste that pets and owners alike can enjoy. Since our dogs are often considered members of the family, it is natural to wish to share our treats. But this is one treat that should be kept out of his or her reach.Dr. Sullivan, a toxicologist at the University of Illinois Veterinary Medical School, says the problem of Toxicosis "can be significant, especially during the holidays when people do a lot of baking with chocolate." The unsweetened or baking chocolate is the most dangerous as it contains the highest percentage of Theobromide per once; 400 MG per once as compared to 45 MG per ounce to milk chocolate. Usually toxic symptoms will occur when 100 MG of Theobromide are ingested per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of the animal's weight. So a 20 pound Beagle can succumb with the ingestion of just two ounces of baking chocolate.

    • Chocolate (and even cocoa found in cakes) is very lethal to a dog. If you are concerned, call the emergency vet in your area.If it were me (and this has happened to me, too), I gave my dog an ounce of Hydrogen Peroxide (had to pour it in her mouth) and within a few minutes, she vomitted the chocolate up.Of course, this is what my veterinarian had told me to do.It worked.

    • Yes it can kill. Read the following.What is chocolate toxicosis? Chocolate toxicosis (poisoning) is caused by excessive intake of the methylxanthine alkaloids in chocolate, coffee, tea, and some over-the-counter stimulants. The poisoning affects many organ systems, and animals of all ages are susceptible.Poisoning is common in dogs because of their habit of rapid consumption, particularly puppies and young dogs as they may be more likely to ingest large amounts of unusual foods. Since chocolate is often available and tasty, access to chocolate goodies is a problem. Although dogs are the most susceptible, the toxin has been known to affect or kill cats, birds, rodents and reptiles as well.What causes chocolate toxicosis? Top Methylxanthine alkaloids are naturally occurring drugs (primarily theobromine and caffeine) in chocolate, coffee, tea, and some over-the-counter medications. These drugs cause constricted blood vessels, rapid and weak heartbeat, and stimulate the nervous system.In most cases, dogs are poisoned by eating the processed chocolate used in sweets, chocolate bars and baking, since these contain high concentrations of theobromine and caffeine and dogs find them tasty. Chocolate preparations contain different concentrations of active compound. The biggest threat is from cooking chocolate, followed by semi-sweet chocolate, milk chocolate, and hot chocolate.What are the signs of chocolate toxicosis? Top Vomiting and diarrhea occur 2 to 4 hours after intake, and chocolate in the vomit may be obvious. Nervous system stimulation leads to hyperactivity, tremors, and seizures. The heart rate becomes increasingly rapid and irregular. Excessive urination may result from the diuretic (water clearing) action of the chocolate. Advanced signs include stiffness, excitement, seizures, and extreme response to noise, light, and touch. Heart failure, weakness, coma, and death can occur 12 to 36 hours after intake.How is chocolate toxicosis diagnosed? Top Chocolate toxicosis can look similar to many poisonings or other conditions. Serious poisoning such as that caused by strychnine, amphetamines, pesticides, and some rodenticides can cause similar signs.If a combination of chocolate ingestion, vomiting, nervousness, or weakness is seen, take your dog immediately to your veterinarian. If possible, bring any vomit to the clinic as well, since this may aid in rapid identification of the toxic substance. Your veterinarian will need to examine your dog's nervous system and cardiac function carefully. He may want to test the blood and urine concentration of sugar (glucose) and of the active ingredient in the chocolate. Since this poisoning progresses rapidly, signs may need to be treated symptomatically until a laboratory diagnosis is confirmed.How is chocolate toxicosis treated? Top If your dog is having a seizure, do not attempt to cause vomiting; take him or her to your veterinarian without delay. If the chocolate has just been consumed ring your vet for advice immediately. There is no antidote for chocolate poisoning. Your veterinarian may use drugs to induce vomiting if the chocolate was consumed within the previous 2 - 4 hours or a stomach tube and fluids to clear the stomach of chocolate, followed by activated charcoal treatment to prevent any drug remaining from being absorbed. In dogs with advanced signs, specialized medications are needed to control the seizures and to correct the rapid and weak heartbeat in order to prevent heart failure.

    • My old dog did exactly the same thing, but she still living happily now. but i know chocolate is not good for dogs. but don't know if the cake shorten her live for not.

    • How long ago? Check your puppies heart rate. If they're having a bad reaction the heart rate will race ( more than normal) Check her breathing if it starts to get short and fast she's reacting to it. This could all happen w/in an hour of eating chocolate.

    • Chocolate is made from the beans of the cacao tree. It is not the caffeine but Thebromine that is the toxic chemical found in chocolate that affects dogs adversely. Although caffeine is also present in chocolate, it is in much smaller amounts. Theobromine's effect on the canine body: It is a stimulant to the CNS - Central Nervous System It is a stimulant to the cardiovascular system It increases blood pressure It causes nausea and vomiting Three important factors determine the degree of damage and toxicity; the size of the dog, the type of chocolate eaten and the amount of chocolate consumed. All chocolate is not alike. Unsweetened [baker's] chocolate contains 8-10 times the amount of Theobromine as milk chocolate. Semi-sweet is 4-5 times more potent than milk chocolate. White chocolate contains Theobromine, but is smaller amounts; therefore Theobromine poisoning is unlikely with white chocolate. Concentrations of Theobromine varies as follows: Milk chocolate has 44mg/oz. Semisweet chocolate has 150 mg/oz.; and Baking chocolate has 390mg/oz.

    • Chocolate is poison to dogs. That's what I've heard. My sister's dog has eaten an entire chocolate cake and has had countless other chocolate incidents. One time my dog ate a whole bag of chocolate. I've heard of many dogs eating a lot of chocolate and getting sick. But I've never heard of a dog dying from eating chocolate. For a puppy I would be a little more concerned.Obviously you have to monitor your puppy, and if you are really concerned then call a 24 hour vet or maybe the ASPCA.I'm sure everything will be fine. Take her outside. If she's not feeling well she may eat some grass. Let her eat a little.

    • A few M&Ms killed my precious Pug..No chocolate is a safe amount.. Get your pup to eat a LOT of something he really likes, and hopefully he will vomit..if he doesn't, it will at least slow down the metabolism of the chocolate..

    • My dog ate some chocolate candy bars a couple weeks ago and I called a toxicologist. Here's what he said: Watch the dog and if it starts acting strange (getting super hyper, panting, vomiting) take her to the vet. If there was any dark baker's chocolate in the cake, however, I would take her to the animal hospital, because that stuff is really dangerous. Just keep a close eye on her for the next day or two.

    • I would call the vet asap. You might want to induce vomiting with a capful of hydrogen peroxide just in case. You need to clear this with a vet depending on what size your dog is. I hope she's okay.

    • No, she won't die, I bought a young boston terrier once, she was 6 months old at the time, and the guy I bought her from gave her those chocolate malt balls all the time, I never give my dogs chocolate, because as you know, it is not good for them, but no, she won't die, she'll be fine, don't worry.

    • No need to worry dogs wont die eating a chocolate cake!!!Two years back in my birthday i was ordered for 3kg chocolate cake in that day night after cutting the cake i kept cake in dining table, my two pets was eaten completely the 3kg cake without keeping even 1 piece for me also !!!