What happens to a dog who eats chocolate?

If my puppy had comsumed a chocolate chip, would anything serious happen?She didn't, but I bake c.c. cookies a lot and if one falls on the floor I want to know what to do.Chill out everyone. I don't feed her chocolate and she hasn't ingested any.

    What happens to a dog who eats chocolate?

    If my puppy had comsumed a chocolate chip, would anything serious happen?She didn't, but I bake c.c. cookies a lot and if one falls on the floor I want to know what to do.Chill out everyone. I don't feed her chocolate and she hasn't ingested any....
    General Dog Discussions : What happens to a dog who eats chocolate?...

    • What happens to a dog who eats chocolate?

      What happens to a dog who eats chocolate? General Dog Discussions
      If my puppy had comsumed a chocolate chip, would anything serious happen?She didn't, but I bake c.c. cookies a lot and if one falls on the floor I want to know what to do.Chill out everyone. I don't feed her chocolate and she hasn't ingested any.

      What happens to a dog who eats chocolate?

      What happens to a dog who eats chocolate? General Dog Discussions
    • One chocolate chip is not likely to cause any problems. The link below gives some information about how much is likely to be toxic, what the symptoms are, and so forth.

    • it can only be serious if a dog eats a huge amounts. a chocolate chip will not harm a dog. if a dog eats a whole chocolate bar then it screws up their digestive system and can kill them. their kidneys fail, the get constipated, their stomach aches, and they throw up. it really is nasty. dont worry, you will be fine as long as you be careful. btw don't listen to julia g, one cookie won't hurt a dog.

    • A dog who consumes too much chocolate (this depends on type and amount eaten plus the size and tolerance of the dog) will get theobromine poisoning. Here is a link that explains exactly what it can do.

    • It depends on the size, breed and metabolism of your dog. If your dog is very small, a single chocolate chip can hurt her.Chocolate is TOXIC to dogs. It contains a chemical called theobromine, which causes them to urinate frequently, tense up and sometimes seizure. Be VERY careful around your puppy. Even one mistake can damage your poor pup. When you bake, keep her out of the kitchen (You can buy a baby gate for the doorway to help keep her out) and sweep up after if you've dropped anything.

    • We've all heard it, "Don't give your dog chocolate it will kill him". We'll how true is it you're probably wondering. Do I have to rush him to an emergency vet if he ate one of my M&M's? The truth is chocolate contains theobromine that is toxic to dogs in sufficient quantities. This is a xanthine compound in the same family of caffeine, and theophylline. Toxic Levels The good news is that it takes, on average, a fairly large amount of theobromine 100-150 mg/kg to cause a toxic reaction. Although there are variables to consider like the individual sensitivity, animal size and chocolate concentration. On average, Milk chocolate contains 44 mg of theobromine per oz. Semisweet chocolate contains 150mg/oz. Baker's chocolate 390mg/oz. Using a dose of 100 mg/kg as the toxic dose it comes out roughly as: 1 ounce per 1 pound of body weight for Milk chocolate 1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight for Semisweet chocolate 1 ounce per 9 pounds of body weight for Baker's chocolate. So, for example, 2 oz. of Baker's chocolate can cause great risk to an 15 lb. dog. Yet, 2 oz. of Milk chocolate usually will only cause digestive problems. Clinical Signs Xanthines affect the nervous system, cardiovascular system and peripheral nerves. It has a diuretic effect as well. Clinical signs: Hyper excitability Hyper irritability Increased heart rate Restlessness Increased urination Muscle tremors Vomiting Diarrhea Treatment There is no specific antidote for this poisoning. And the half life of the toxin is 17.5 hours in dogs. Induce vomiting in the first 1-2 hours if the quantity is unknown. Administering activated charcoal may inhibit absorption of the toxin. An anticonvulsant might be indicated if neurological signs are present and needs to be controlled. Oxygen therapy, intravenous medications, and fluids might be needed to protect the heart. Milk chocolate will often cause diarrhea 12-24 hours after ingestion. This should be treated symptomatically (fluids, etc..) to prevent dehydration. If you suspect your pet has ingested chocolate contact your Vet immediately! They can help you determine the the proper treatment for your pet.

    • First if a dog eat a Chocolate cookie or anything that has chocolate in it or on it the dog can get sick and may just die.And if u drop a choclate chip cookie u pick it up befor ashe or he eat it off the floor

    • I dont know if any of these people have ever fed their dogs chocolate but it will only kill a dog if the dog is ALLERGIC and fed in med to large amounts. It also varies on HOW allergic the dog is. It is an allergy just as it can be for people. Small amount, large amount it dosen't matter if the dog is allergic. I'm not saying that you should hand your puppy a basket of cc cookies but don't freak out if she catches one cc on the floor. If you notice that she sneezes or gets a little sick (throwing up, warm nose, etc) take her to the vet to treat her for the allergic reaction but other wise enjoy your baking and your nosy pupy.

    • Such a small amount of chocolate won't hurt your dog. But chocolate can be dangerous in large quanities, it also can cause diarhea and make the dog overweight. Don't worry, your dog will be fine.realme1960

    • chocolate is like poison to dogs.I'm not sure how much is bad,but i wouldn't take a chance on my puppy ingesting any at all.My friends small dog got a hold of a couple small pieces of chocolate,it was horrible,he had convulsions,vomiting,diarrhea,and they had to take him to a vet immediately.Luckily he survived but it had to a very stressful ordeal for the poor guy.I would keep him in another room while you make your cookies.

    • my dog ate a small peice of chocolate be4, nothing really happened. she just got a little quiet & felt bad for awhile & then she got all happy again in a couple days!