Can you get any diseases from pet ferret?

Just curious. With injections [Canine Distemper] and without them. Here in Britain we don't have injections for ferrets. Well, we do, it's a diluted version of the dog injection but several vets have told me that it doesn't matter whether your ferret…

    Can you get any diseases from pet ferret?

    Just curious. With injections [Canine Distemper] and without them. Here in Britain we don't have injections for ferrets. Well, we do, it's a diluted version of the dog injection but several vets have told me that it doesn't matter whether your ferret…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can you get any diseases from pet ferret?...

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    • Can you get any diseases from pet ferret?

      Can you get any diseases from pet ferret? General Dog Discussions
      Just curious. With injections [Canine Distemper] and without them. Here in Britain we don't have injections for ferrets. Well, we do, it's a diluted version of the dog injection but several vets have told me that it doesn't matter whether your ferret takes them or not. ^^It's a pet ferret. Not used for ferreting or anything like that.Thanks.

      Can you get any diseases from pet ferret?

      Can you get any diseases from pet ferret? General Dog Discussions
    • I don't think so. Take him/her for vet check ups every once in a while, to make sure there are no problems or when you think something is wrong. I've never heard of that happening before.

    • You should be fine. If I remember right, canine distemper isn't present in the UK (or maybe it's rabies?) Either way, if your ferret isn't vaccinated, you really don't have to worry.

    • I've never heard of people getting diseases from ferrets but I guess if it had rabies and it bit you then you would also get rabies just like if it was any other animal with rabies. And rabies isn't present in the UK.As for the vets saying that it does not matter whether your ferret has CD vaccinations, whilst not all vaccinations used for ferrets are safe or effective there are still a number of brands that do work. For example, last year there was a CD break out in the north of England (which is where I live) then wouldn't have all the ferrets have died? I read about people who's ferrets had been affected and the ones who were vaccinated showed no symptoms even though they were sharing hutches/cages with ferrets showing symptoms who had not been vaccinated. Some people had ferrets that still got CD even though they had been vaccinated but they had used a different brand but I don't remember the brand name. My ferret is vaccinated and she didn't get CD even though I take her for walks where other dogs have been. She is vaccinated with Nobivac DHP so maybe you should find a vets that uses this brand? I hope this has helped!