Why does everyone think Chocolate is bad for dogs?

I've never found an answer to this question... just everyone that believes chocolate is bad for dogs.I have given my dogs chocolate for years (many different dogs) and they've never skipped a beat from it. Also grapes and onions. There has never been a…

    Why does everyone think Chocolate is bad for dogs?

    I've never found an answer to this question... just everyone that believes chocolate is bad for dogs.I have given my dogs chocolate for years (many different dogs) and they've never skipped a beat from it. Also grapes and onions. There has never been a…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does everyone think Chocolate is bad for dogs?...

    • We don't think its bad we KNOW its bad. Chocolate contains theobromine which dogs cannot break down therefore it builds up in the dogs system and will eventually cause renal failure. It would be no different than an alcholic drinking over the years, while u don't think its doing damage right now it will over time hence sirrosis of the liver. Both grapes and onions are toxic to dogs in large quantities same thing over time it will shut a dogs kidney function down. Kidney failure is a miserable death. When u feed chocolate, and the darker the chocolate the more theobromine it has, the dogs heart begins to race, their breathing rate increases and they become over weight. Bottom line is u can do what u want but u are slowly killing your dogs. It would be like handing an alcoholic a drink and watching them slowly decline over time, that's what u r doing to your dogs.

    • It amazes me how some people would rather sit on here and argue about what you do, Then answer a simple question. Why do people have to criticize, It always something. All though Garlic isn't what you typed, but every site I seem to go to say Garlic is bad, but how come my Vet who has been at the same corner for over 35. Who I take all my dogs to. Told me to give my dog garlic for the fleas.but any ways this is your answerChocolate contains a natural occurring stimulant called theobromine found in the cocoa bean plant Theobroma cocoa, the bean that makes chocolate. Theobromine is the poison as it affects the central nervous system, as well as the heart of the dog, throwing their system into panic which often manifests in the form of epileptic seizures.The danger depends on the dog's size and the type of chocolate. Darker and more expensive chocolate contains more theobromine. Humans, and cats, have the metabolism to cope with theobromineToxins in grapes, raisins or sultanas can cause renal failure in dogs. In some cases, small dogs have died after eating as few as four grapes. Vets believe many owners are unaware of the dangers and have fed their pets cake and biscuits containing chocolate or grapes as treats. In other cases the animals have helped themselvesI give my dog M&Ms everynow & then hes loves them hes also weighs 100 pounds.& My mom has a cocker spaniel that ways about 20-25 pounds and she loves grapes. & shes fineWhat ever I give my dog is my business, if some people dont like it well honestly they can shove it there A-SS.=)

    • You probably have large dogs and have given them a little bit of chocolate, so it shouldn't mess with their digestive track. It may have not effected your dog,but it is toxic to many other dogs. It can seriously mess their digestive track up! P.S. TO CORGI GIRL; "Happy Birthday!" :D