Why does my dog wobble when something gets near her eyes?

Whenever I put my hand near my dogs eyes, she has a tremor and sometimes falls. If one of my cats come up and smell her eyes, the same thing happens.What could be causing that?

    Why does my dog wobble when something gets near her eyes?

    Whenever I put my hand near my dogs eyes, she has a tremor and sometimes falls. If one of my cats come up and smell her eyes, the same thing happens.What could be causing that?...
    General Dog Discussions : Why does my dog wobble when something gets near her eyes?...

    • Why does my dog wobble when something gets near her eyes?

      Why does my dog wobble when something gets near her eyes? General Dog Discussions
      Whenever I put my hand near my dogs eyes, she has a tremor and sometimes falls. If one of my cats come up and smell her eyes, the same thing happens.What could be causing that?

      Why does my dog wobble when something gets near her eyes?

      Why does my dog wobble when something gets near her eyes? General Dog Discussions
    • I would suspect some sort of neurological issue. My dog was like that when she was poisoned, she acted like she was hallucinating and something much bigger than say, a hand was in front of her face (she acted like it was coming at her when it wasn't). It was bizarre. She stopped doing it when the effects of the poisoning wore off. I'd mention it to your vet next time you're in.