Are carrots bad for dogs to eat?

Some things are ok for humans but very bad for dogs (chocolate). Is a carrot harmful to a dog in any way?

    Are carrots bad for dogs to eat?

    Some things are ok for humans but very bad for dogs (chocolate). Is a carrot harmful to a dog in any way?...
    General Dog Discussions : Are carrots bad for dogs to eat?...

    • Are carrots bad for dogs to eat?

      Are carrots bad for dogs to eat? General Dog Discussions
      Some things are ok for humans but very bad for dogs (chocolate). Is a carrot harmful to a dog in any way?

      Are carrots bad for dogs to eat?

      Are carrots bad for dogs to eat? General Dog Discussions
    • I give them for treats often. I like to scrape grooves in them with a fork, and rub in peanutbutter or cheese spread..Occupies pups for a long time. You gotta watch small puppies though, as they can choke on them. larger dogs don't have problems. My adult ate a whole bag last week (stole it) and had troubles pooping for two days.....sigh.....they were supposed to go in my pot roast, and when I tried to find them, they were gone. I found out the next day what had happened when i saw the poop!

    • My vet told me that they are very good for the dogs. Crunchy for their teeth and healthy for vitamins. Another good veg. is celery. i put a little bit of peanut butter on them and my dogs love them. Carrots and celery are their treats. Celery is also a negative calorie item(burns more to eat than what calories it has),so will not gain weight.

    • Poisonous Foods for DogsChocolate (contains Theobromine) Onions & garlic Pear pips, the kernels of plums, peaches and apricots, apple core pips (contain cyanogenic glycosides resulting in cyanide poisoning) Potato peelings and green looking potatoes Rhubarb leaves Moldy/spoiled foods Macadamia Nuts/Walnuts Alcohol Yeast dough Coffee grounds, beans & tea (caffeine) Hops (used in home brewing) Tomato leaves & stems (green parts) Broccoli (in large amounts) Raisins and grapes (damages the kidneys) Cigarettes, tobacco, cigars Nutmeg Raw Potatoes Turkey skin Voltarin (in arthritis medication)-Very Fatal Baby Food (can contain onion powder) Citrus oil Fat trimmings (Can cause pancreatitis). Human vitamins containing iron (can damage the lining of the digestive system) Large amounts of liver Mushrooms Raw fish Poisonous Foods for CatsApple Seeds Apricot seeds/pits Avocado fruit/pits Cherry Eggplant Elderberry Green Tomatoes Mushrooms Onions Potato Rhubarb leaf Tobacco

    • I don't think so - and often times you will find carrots in some dog food. I've heard the thing to avoid is onions. They aren't good for them but I don't remember exactly why. As far as chocolate goes, apparently its the baker's chocolate that really gets them - which I only learned about a week ago when my dog got a hold of a swiss cake roll on a walk (how she managed to find that randomly on the street, I will never know!). I called the vet, even though I don't think she got any of it down and although I wouldn't go around giving your dog chocolate, apparently not all chocolate is as deathly as once thought. (I know that's off the carrot subject, but just thought I'd share - learn something new everyday!) Don't worry about the carrots though - I've never seen any problems when I've given them to my dog! Hope that helped!

    • Carrots are actually healthy for dogs, Carrots and other garden vegetables. I have read in a magazine before that feeding your dog your leftover salad once a week will help their digestive system and keep their teeth strong and healthy.

    • One day I gave my dog some beef stew.And it had all kinds of vegatables in it But later on that night she threw it up.So I guess you should make her eat only your choice of dog food.

    • I buy the baby carrots for my pup's treats, he loves them! Every time I open the fridge he is right there waiting for his carrot! He has food allergies and the vet suggested I give him carrots instead of dog biscuits. Most any vegetable is good for dogs except for onions, grapes and chocolate.