How would a vet determine if my dog has a back injury?

My 12 year old Sheltie mix has started having hind leg weakness. I think it could be a sign of some sort of back injury. How would a vet determine this?

    How would a vet determine if my dog has a back injury?

    My 12 year old Sheltie mix has started having hind leg weakness. I think it could be a sign of some sort of back injury. How would a vet determine this?...
    General Dog Discussions : How would a vet determine if my dog has a back injury?...

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    • How would a vet determine if my dog has a back injury?

      How would a vet determine if my dog has a back injury? General Dog Discussions
      My 12 year old Sheltie mix has started having hind leg weakness. I think it could be a sign of some sort of back injury. How would a vet determine this?

      How would a vet determine if my dog has a back injury?

      How would a vet determine if my dog has a back injury? General Dog Discussions