How do you know when your dog's had enough chocolate?

Me and my dog have the best of times together, just bakin' out in the sun. Every morning on his walk I eat a Snickers and I split it with my dalmation. He LOVES it. Then when we get home, sometimes I'll share my ice cream with him or maybe a sleeve of…

    How do you know when your dog's had enough chocolate?

    Me and my dog have the best of times together, just bakin' out in the sun. Every morning on his walk I eat a Snickers and I split it with my dalmation. He LOVES it. Then when we get home, sometimes I'll share my ice cream with him or maybe a sleeve of…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do you know when your dog's had enough chocolate?...

    • feedin your dog chocolate can kill him cuz his digestive system can't handle it. while he may enjoy it his body can't handle it and that would explain why he lost his pep. take him to the vet. i'm pretty sure dat da icecream is bad for him too cuz itz got milk.

    • Chocolate can be very TOXIC to dogs. Please stop giving him any. There is a product called Dogs Paws, I think, you can find it in your grocer's freezer section. It is ice cream made for dogs- low lactose (also a no-no for most dogs) and they really enjoy it. Try sharing a carrot with your dog. Mine loved to chew them. Onions are also toxic, so are morning glory seeds. Please look up some more info or ask your vet.

    •'ll know when it's too much chocolate when he dies. I'm surprised your vet has not cautioned you on the DANGERS of giving your dog chocolate! The cocoa and caffeine in it does something to speed up a dogs heart rate (I heard) and could kill them. If you go to a GOOD pet store, you can find chocolates that are made especially for dogs that will not harm him. They also have ice cream for dogs called "Frosty Paws" which you can find in the freezer section of most major supermarkets. Hope this helps!

    • have you ever had a hangover. alcohol is poison to people, our chocolate is poison to dogs. I enjoy alcohol, my liver doesnt, my dog loves chocolate I dont know how it affects dogs, An Asprin that cures our headaches so ive heard can kill a cat. I once had a dog that wouldnt eat dog food! Treats are fine in moderation. You want to start being a bit more healthy too, stuff the snax and share the decent stuff, in the olden days dogs used to eat table leftovers (meat and veg)Any help, i hope it gets you thinking

    • UMMMM you really should learn about dogs before you get one because chocolate can kill them. And ice cream isn't good either because it will upset their stomachs. All this is especially true if its a puppy!!!

    • I had this problem too once. I found out that some people are of the opinion that chocolate is bad for dogs, but i'd already given him all the wonka bars i had opened in search of the golden ticket. All i did was grind up all the different pills from my medicine cabinet and mixed it with cough syrup so he'd drink it. that pretty much solved the problem.

    • first of all no chocolate for dog's or puppy's it is very harmful ok? you can kill your very own loved dog ok myself i did not know what it could do but now i do because i gave my puppy who is 10 months old ice cream chocolate ice cream ! And she was very very deathly sick so my advise is NO CHOCOLATE for any dog's or puppies at all love your dog ok give them doggie treats instead thank you

    • Ofcourse he likes it. One of the frst things you should have learned about dogs is basic. DON'T give it chocolate. Sweet chocolate is less toxic than semi-sweet, or bakers, but given in large amounts can be dangerous. It's a puppy? Then you're in a little trouble. 1oz. for every lb. of weight is the BASIC rule. You don't have to worry about it in lesser amounts except for the digestive problems.( This only applies to short term use, though). Do you think he knows why he has a stomach ache? He can't tell you? He doesn't associate that something he loves could possibly cause his stomach ache. Obviously, common sense will never play a part in his thinking. 'Chocolate good'. If you didn't give him chocolate at all, you would't have to be concerned. So, stop. and...look it up, too!We all love our dogs, and it's so exiting to get a new puppy. I think your motives are innocent, but educate yourself about your dog in general, and the breed specifically. Animals are like little babies. They can't tell us what's wrong or how they feel, so they need to be protected, and that means preparation. This where you come in, Mom/Dad. If you treat him as if he were a human baby, the picture would become clear.Always be tender and sweet, and he will protect you and love you forever.Good luck.Grizz

    • Dogs are not suppose to eat chocolate. There is a chemical in chocolate that they can not digest and it is very harmful to them. I think you should be worried about killing him and not worried about him getting fat. Please stop feeding him chocolate!!!!

    • Chocolate is very bad for dogs they cannot metabolize the caffiene in the chocolate. It can also cause dogs to have seizures if they eat a large amount of it. I really dont think you should feed your dog chocolate anymore its just like giving them poison

    • I pondered this question for a couple of days, trying to find an answer that would really help you with your problem. I finally decided to do a little experiment over the weekend. My neighbor was leaving town and needed someone to watch their dog for them. Since I needed a subject for my experiment, I volunteered. Low and behold, the little pooches name was Hershey! I went to the local market and bought chocolate milk, hershey kisses and brownies. We rented a movie (All dogs go to heaven) and ate chocolate until we fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to find Hershey gasping for air and choking on her own vomit. I got up to help and found that she had crapped all over my floor. Now, I am not really a dog lover anyway, so I got really pissed at the little sh*t head! I picked up the little bastard and threw her outside. When I woke up the next morning I heard the little neighbor girl crying and screaming..."Hershey, Hershey, oh my god" over and over and over again! So, my friend, I dont know what the hell happened to Hershey, but I still do not have an answer to your question. I really tried, but the damn dog died of natural causes before I could finish my experiment! I am sorry!