You guys do know chocolate is deadly to dogs right?

just making sure cause i was surprised today when i told my cousin's boyfriend not to give his puppy chocolate because it is like poison for them and he was surprised and said he did not know that, just wanted to let you guys know incase u didn't know…

    You guys do know chocolate is deadly to dogs right?

    just making sure cause i was surprised today when i told my cousin's boyfriend not to give his puppy chocolate because it is like poison for them and he was surprised and said he did not know that, just wanted to let you guys know incase u didn't know…...
    General Dog Discussions : You guys do know chocolate is deadly to dogs right?...

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    • You guys do know chocolate is deadly to dogs right?

      You guys do know chocolate is deadly to dogs right? General Dog Discussions
      just making sure cause i was surprised today when i told my cousin's boyfriend not to give his puppy chocolate because it is like poison for them and he was surprised and said he did not know that, just wanted to let you guys know incase u didn't know but i am sure the majority of you guys know not to give your dogs chocolate.

      You guys do know chocolate is deadly to dogs right?

      You guys do know chocolate is deadly to dogs right? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes most people know chocolate is bad. Dark bakers chocolate is the worst. The milk chocolate that is used in (most) candy bars is also bad but not as bad as the dark.

    • there system cannot tolerate chocolate as humans do--they can react to anti freeze, chocolate, flowers, berries, nuts and lots of stuff. Vitamin K is an excellent suspension and milk of magnesia also helps rid the poisons out of the dog's system.

    • Here's another piece of advice for pet owners to keep in their doggie medicine kit ... along with hydrogen peroxide, a good idea is to keep Dr. Schulzes Intestinal Formula #2 for those times when a dog eats chocolate or anything else toxic. I gave it to two dogs (one was a puppy) that got into rat poison. My vet sure did appreciate it. He followed up with the vitamin K prescription and I didn't know about the Milk of Magnesia.

    • Chocolate has the potential for being deadly to dogs, but that doesn't mean every dog that eats it will die. Sometimes it may only make them a little ill, and sometimes it has no adverse effect at all.I have known a few people who wanted to save some money and euthanize their old, injured, or ill dog by feeding them chocolate. It did not work. Aspirin is also considered deadly to dogs, but that method of euthanasia also failed. Dogs are individuals and "results may vary", so just be on the safe side and keep the chocolate and aspirin out of any canine's diet.

    • Chocolate can be deadly... I've had 2 dogs get into chocolate i've had around the house... our bichon ate 3/4 of a lb of milk chocolate that i had made for eater... the vet said that if it was dark chocolate that it would have been fatal but depends on the amount they eat and the size of the dog... now, what IS dangerous is dental floss, they eat it and it gets caught up in their intestines and prevent food from going through like it should... if I didn't notice that he hadn't gone #2 for 2 days he would have died!oh, another thing my vet mentioned that I found obscure was that dogs can't eat grapes or raisins... their bodies can't metabolize them properly .

    • Yes, I know that, but I can't believe how many people leave chocolate in reach of their dogs anyway. I must have counted at least eight questions screaming for post-canine-chocolate-consumption help.

    • Really? i didn't know that...Why is it bad for them? thanks so much for sharing...Merry christmas and have a blessed new year take care and thanks so much...i really didn't know I feed my dog anything I eat..Thanks again.

    • Everyone knows that. However - it is HUGELY over rated! It would take a HUGE amount of chocolate to hurt your dog.My dogs get pieces of chocolate all the time.