Is there a special thing veterinarians do to cut dogs' toenails?

My dog acts very terrible when my sister and I try to cut her toenails. She gets so upset and one time even pooped while we were trying. It is not possible for us to cut them. When she gets them cut by her doctor or one of the people there she is calm…

    Is there a special thing veterinarians do to cut dogs' toenails?

    My dog acts very terrible when my sister and I try to cut her toenails. She gets so upset and one time even pooped while we were trying. It is not possible for us to cut them. When she gets them cut by her doctor or one of the people there she is calm…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is there a special thing veterinarians do to cut dogs' toenails?...

    • Is there a special thing veterinarians do to cut dogs' toenails?

      Is there a special thing veterinarians do to cut dogs' toenails? General Dog Discussions
      My dog acts very terrible when my sister and I try to cut her toenails. She gets so upset and one time even pooped while we were trying. It is not possible for us to cut them. When she gets them cut by her doctor or one of the people there she is calm and just lets them do it. Does anyone know if they push on a pressure point or have some secret thing they do to get her to be calm?

      Is there a special thing veterinarians do to cut dogs' toenails?

      Is there a special thing veterinarians do to cut dogs' toenails? General Dog Discussions
    • your dog is probally behaving because she is scarred and nervous at the vet. She is comfortable around you so acts up. That's how my sisters dog is. My dog is the opposite, he is bad for the vet with nails, but fine for me.