What do i do if my dogs nails are too short and she is in a lot of pain?

She went to the vet and got her nails clipped the nail looks to short and she is limping

    What do i do if my dogs nails are too short and she is in a lot of pain?

    She went to the vet and got her nails clipped the nail looks to short and she is limping...
    General Dog Discussions : What do i do if my dogs nails are too short and she is in a lot of pain?...

    • What do i do if my dogs nails are too short and she is in a lot of pain?

      What do i do if my dogs nails are too short and she is in a lot of pain? General Dog Discussions
      She went to the vet and got her nails clipped the nail looks to short and she is limping

      What do i do if my dogs nails are too short and she is in a lot of pain?

      What do i do if my dogs nails are too short and she is in a lot of pain? General Dog Discussions
    • Poor baby :( your vet tech cut the quick and yes she is in a lot of pain! Take her back to the vet and ask them to remedy the situation for free, of course, since they cut the quick. They should provide some pain medication but other than that you'll just have to wait until it grows back.

    • the vet should give you pain meds free of charge since they did the damage. To ease the pain you could get a set of the rubber nail tips they sell at the pet store they are designed to protect your floor, they glue on and would pad her toes until they grow out. Or a drop of super glue on the tip of each nail, just make sure she is dry before letting her loose.

    • The same thing happened to my dog and her nail started bleeding. Get a cold wet cloth and gently tie it to the dogs foot. The you have to pick the dog up and put it in your car and drive to the veterinarian. Tell the vet exactly how you cut the nails and what went wrong then the vet will bandage your dogs foot and give him/her some medicine. After the vet fixes the dog they will tell you exactly how to cut a dogs nails and how to calm your dog before you cut his/her nails to avoid disaster.

    • So sorry to hear what happened at the vets office.The tech that trimmed her nails should known better and should have advised you if she had accidentally cut the quick and had offered pain medications for her while it/they heal. I am sure she is in a lot of pain the poor baby.I would call the vet, bring your dog in and demand that you be given something for the pain that they have caused your dog to be going thru and will be until the nails can heal.I grind my dogs nails and never use a nail clipper for that reason and have never had a problem.Grinding has been around for many years. I am sure you have seen the pedi paws device. Its the same premise. I use a dremel and grind the nails millimeter by millimeter. I use a flashlight and hold it by the nail itself so that the quick is visible and grind just a bit at a time.If your dog has long nails you can grind them a little bit and wait a week and grind a bit more. With each time you grind the nails the quick will shorten and after some time your dog will have short nails that can easily be done on a regular basis and not have to worry about anyone hurting your baby again.I have listed 2 web sites with information about trimming nails for you.Hope they help and good luck with your dog :)

    • I'd go back to the vet to see what's wrong. It seems unlikely to me that the limping is caused by a nail being too short. It would have to have been cut very very short for that to happen, and I can't see a vet or a tech cutting that short. I have dogs with black nails which makes it hard to see the quick, and I've cut into it many times, enough that it bled a lot on occasion, and I've found that after the bleeding has stopped, they don't show any signs of having trouble walking even if I take them to the beach an hour after the clipping.