Should i get my pet parakeets wings clipped?

Hi, i need to figure out if i should get my parakeets wings clipped i also have a dog so i don't want the dog to catch her if she gets out of the cage. What should i do?

    Should i get my pet parakeets wings clipped?

    Hi, i need to figure out if i should get my parakeets wings clipped i also have a dog so i don't want the dog to catch her if she gets out of the cage. What should i do?...
    General Dog Discussions : Should i get my pet parakeets wings clipped?...

    • Should i get my pet parakeets wings clipped?

      Should i get my pet parakeets wings clipped? General Dog Discussions
      Hi, i need to figure out if i should get my parakeets wings clipped i also have a dog so i don't want the dog to catch her if she gets out of the cage. What should i do?

      Should i get my pet parakeets wings clipped?

      Should i get my pet parakeets wings clipped? General Dog Discussions
    • I would clip them if you want a really tame bird, & if you want to make a close bond with it.Because of your dog, try to make the bird & the dog friendly towards each other if you REALLY want to get the wings clipped.

    • I have a parrot, and his wings aren't clipped right now, but when they are, he is so much sweeter. He realizes that he has to be sweet because he is practically helpless w/out flight. I have 2 dogs also, and they are actually scared of him because he has flown down on them and attacked them before. So just because your bird is 100 times smaller, doesn't mean that HE will be the one getting hurt!! But anyway, i strongly advise to get his feathers clipped. Just make sure the vet tech is experienced and knows a lot about it, because some birds can even die (not trying to scare you!) from the stress of getting their wings cut.

    • I have 3 parakeets and 2 of them fly.I would sat you should get there wings clipped but make sure the dog isn't near by because you can never be to safe! :)