Will my dog get sick or die from eating brownies?

My dog ate some brownies last night even though they were put on the counter far back. Will he get sick or die? Help someone!Will feeding him dog food help digest it?

    Will my dog get sick or die from eating brownies?

    My dog ate some brownies last night even though they were put on the counter far back. Will he get sick or die? Help someone!Will feeding him dog food help digest it?...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my dog get sick or die from eating brownies?...

    • Will my dog get sick or die from eating brownies?

      Will my dog get sick or die from eating brownies? General Dog Discussions
      My dog ate some brownies last night even though they were put on the counter far back. Will he get sick or die? Help someone!Will feeding him dog food help digest it?

      Will my dog get sick or die from eating brownies?

      Will my dog get sick or die from eating brownies? General Dog Discussions
    • He will probably experience some stomach pains or diarrhea, but I would call your vet to be sure. It really depends on how much he ate for his size. I remember freaking out when my little Sheltie ate half a Hershey bar out of the garbage. I called the vet in a panic and he told me she would probably just have diarrhea. She did, and was fine the next day. But like I said... TO BE SAFE, call your vet and ask their opinion. We are not doctors here :)

    • well first question how many did he eat? second if they were choclate brownines that if really poisones to any animal just called the vet and tell you what to do without going in

    • Depending on the size of your dog, he should be fine. There isn't a lot of chocolate in brownies, so he should be alright. If he is a small breed, telephoning the vet might be a good idea. Other than that, just keep an eye on him and give him some pepto bismol if he vomits or has diarrhea. If things get too bad, go to the vet. Vomiting anymore than 3x in an hour requires a trip to the vet ASAP. He should be alright, because as I said, there is little chocolate in brownies. It is mostly flour and sugar. I wouldn't feed him too much, maybe half of the amount of his normal dog food. He needs to get the junk out of his system.

    • How much does your dog weigh? Were they just your plain ol' milk chocolate brownies? How many did he eat?Dog food will not help digest anything. Chocolate contains a naturally occurring compound called Theobromine. It's toxic to dogs AND it's also toxic to humans. The thing is, humans can metabolize it within half an hour or so and it's gone. It takes a dog anywhere from 17-42 hours to metabolize it. In the mean time it can cause serious neurological, kidney, or cardiovascular problems.If your dog got onto the counter I'm assuming it's a medium or large sized dog. I'm assuming by "some" brownies you mean maybe 3-5 at most. If that's the case he'll probably be fine. There isn't really enough actual cocoa in chocolate baked goods to cause any problem. For future reference most dogs can tolerate up to the following amounts of straight chocolate:1 ounce per 1 pound of body weight for Milk chocolate1 ounce per 3 pounds of body weight for Semisweet or Dark chocolate1 ounce per 9 pounds of body weight for Baker's chocolate.Watch for loss of appetite, uncharacteristic lethargy or hyperactivity, drooling or dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, "drunken" behavior/motor skill problems, or muscle twitching, spasms, or seizures. If you see any of these call your vet.