Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate?

My dog, a very small shih tzu, probably 10 pounds at the max, ate about 3 or 4 pieces of chocolate before we caught her in the act. They weren't big pieces, but I'm still concerned. Does anyone know a good way to make her throw it up quickly?

    Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate?

    My dog, a very small shih tzu, probably 10 pounds at the max, ate about 3 or 4 pieces of chocolate before we caught her in the act. They weren't big pieces, but I'm still concerned. Does anyone know a good way to make her throw it up quickly?...
    General Dog Discussions : Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate?...

    • Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate?

      Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate? General Dog Discussions
      My dog, a very small shih tzu, probably 10 pounds at the max, ate about 3 or 4 pieces of chocolate before we caught her in the act. They weren't big pieces, but I'm still concerned. Does anyone know a good way to make her throw it up quickly?

      Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate?

      Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate? General Dog Discussions
    • don't worry about it, I had a pomeranian do the same thing and she was fine. theres a chance they'll throw it up on their own but unless they start acting un naturally I wouldn't worry about it.

    • Rather than make her vomit, call a vet and find out other options. At the very least, watch her closely for the next hour or so. She will no doubt be very hyper and this can cause heart attacks in dogs.

    • maybe you should search this on Google or Ask...because its faster easier and a lot less complicated that way....because you will get stupid answers on just search it...or ill do it for you !ok go to this webpage it gives you the chocolate toxicity in dogs .....GO TO IT !!! another website - another - one where someone asks a vet - those pages help ...and yes chocolate is toxic in the last one !

    • Check with your vet for dosage, but hydrogen peroxide will make a dog vomit. May not help in this case since the chocolate is probably pretty well dissolved by the stomach acids and in the system by now.

    • Peroxide does induce vomiting, however... it all depends on the amount (concentration) of chocolate, kind of chocolate, and how long ago your dog ingested the chocolate. Your best bet is to call your vet as they can actually have a dialog with you and talk you through the process IF it is even needed. Good luck!

    • Was it baking/bakers chocolate or just regular milk chocolate from a candy bar or something? If it's regular candybar chocolate then it'll be okay. . .you only have to worry when they eat the real, bakers chocolate. Good luck!

    • Use peroxide. I had a dog eat some chocolate and my friend, a vet tech, told us to make him drink peroxide until he threw up. If she didn't eat much she should be ok, you might want to call your vet first and ask them what to do. Inducing vomiting may not be necessary. Good luck!

    • It's okay my dog ate a lot of chocolate once when we weren't looking and he was fine. But if you're really concerned call the vet. By the way I love shih tzus they're so cute. Good luck!!