Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate?

My dog, a very small shih tzu, probably 10 pounds at the max, ate about 3 or 4 pieces of chocolate before we caught her in the act. They weren't big pieces, but I'm still concerned. Does anyone know a good way to make her throw it up quickly?

    Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate?

    My dog, a very small shih tzu, probably 10 pounds at the max, ate about 3 or 4 pieces of chocolate before we caught her in the act. They weren't big pieces, but I'm still concerned. Does anyone know a good way to make her throw it up quickly?...
    General Dog Discussions : Making a dog throw up after eating chocolate?...

    • In the wild, dogs eat things, then return to their den where their mate will lick the corners of their mouth to induce vomiting to feed the pups. You could try daubing the corners of your dog's mouth with a damp rag for a few minutes first, before using chemicals.A small amount of chocolate probably won't hurt your dog, but you never know - especially if your dog might have an allergy to it.The best thing to do in a suspected poisoning is to call your vet (or an emergency vet after hours) right away. You should also watch out for onions, grapes and houseplants, as well as the saliva or leavings of wild animals, which can cause polyradiculoneuritis, which can be fatal (sad voice of experience).Good luck.

    • well my puppy just ate a whole bag of hersey's chocholate today, we were going to get his stomach pumped but we called a pharmicist and she said to give him a small doasge of peroxide. and it worked he threw up all the chocholate. thank God cause he was just a puppy and he prob would have died.