How to tell if a puppy has kennel cough?

She seems to go in these hiccup fits but I know she hasn't had shots. I am concerned for her and my other dog. She is very active and eats regularly with no vomiting or lose stool, just smelly. She is a 3 month old husky/shepard/pointer mix.

    How to tell if a puppy has kennel cough?

    She seems to go in these hiccup fits but I know she hasn't had shots. I am concerned for her and my other dog. She is very active and eats regularly with no vomiting or lose stool, just smelly. She is a 3 month old husky/shepard/pointer mix....
    General Dog Discussions : How to tell if a puppy has kennel cough?...

    • How to tell if a puppy has kennel cough?

      How to tell if a puppy has kennel cough? General Dog Discussions
      She seems to go in these hiccup fits but I know she hasn't had shots. I am concerned for her and my other dog. She is very active and eats regularly with no vomiting or lose stool, just smelly. She is a 3 month old husky/shepard/pointer mix.

      How to tell if a puppy has kennel cough?

      How to tell if a puppy has kennel cough? General Dog Discussions
    • The only way to know for sure is to take the dog to a vet. Kennel cough is contagious, so make sure the vet knows you have another dog at home and follow recommendations the vet makes.Please get your dogs vaccinated as soon as possible. Unvaccinated dogs are at risk for diseases that are very costly to treat and that can be fatal. Many of these diseases can easily be brought into the home from visiting places infected dogs may have been (such as dog parks, pet stores, vet offices) or by dogs/other dog owners visiting your home. Not to mention some diseases can be spread through feces and urine on the ground and disease and parasites can live in the soil for hours up to literally months. A few dollars worth of shots to save hundreds to thousands of dollars later.