What happens when you give a dog chocolate?

I have a dog, and ive been feeding him bits of chocolate for like 5 years. I wanna know what happens people say they die, but notice ive been feeding him chocolate for like 5 years (not everday) but yeah i dont want him to die <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/mellow.png" alt=":|" />

    What happens when you give a dog chocolate?

    I have a dog, and ive been feeding him bits of chocolate for like 5 years. I wanna know what happens people say they die, but notice ive been feeding him chocolate for like 5 years (not everday) but yeah i dont want him to die <img src="https://dogencyclopedia.net/FRAMeWORK/wcf/images/smilies/mellow.png" alt=":|" />...
    General Dog Discussions : What happens when you give a dog chocolate?...

    • There is a chemical in chocolate called theobromine. It is similar to caffeine. For whatever reason it is very poisonous to dogs and technically to us if we consume enough of it. If the dog ingests enough chocolate it could lead to cardiac arrest. To be honest, I have been giving my dogs chocolate for a long time too. Not pure chocolate but I'll let them lick the bowl if I have chocolate ice cream or something, and they're still alive. But BE CAREFUL and use your best judgment. Don't give your dogs brownies or huge chunks of hershey's bars.

    • It can be toxic to pets. A little bit isn't harmful, if the dogs weight is proportionate to the ingested amount. Too much can be fatal. The more concentrated the chocolate, the more toxic. (Like baker's chocolate). I know a guy who fed his doxie an m&m everyday, because he thought it made the dog live longer. The dog is 16 and still kicking! 1 m&m won't kill a dog, but a block of bakers chocolate could kill a lab. Get the idea?

    • choclate never killed any of my dogs mind you i never eat chocolate that often only now and then my whippet used to have a bit of choclate and he lasted till he was fifteen but i would never give a dog belguim chocolate thats more harmfullplus i never ever give chocolate to puppies as there body would'nt handle it mind you now i don't give my dogs any chocolate it's up to you but only give alittle bit not alot

    • Chocolate isnt the greatest treats out there to give a dog. Dark chocolate is the main type of chocolate that causes most dogs to die if the have a larg amout. Alittle peice will not kill you dog right away. but i wouldnt risk it if you know what i mean. There are better treats and healther treats to give to allow him to have a long healthy life. Hope this helps

    • Chocolate is BAD for your pooch. Even though he may not be showing it on the outside, he might be in trouble on the inside. Dogs can't handle human food. If they could, then they wouldn't be making dog food, would they? Keep your dogs diet strictly doggy-safe. Which means wet or dry dog food, special dog treats that you can buy from your local petstore or supermarket and bones, (not too small though, in case they get lodged in your pooches mouth).If you truly care about your dog, then keep him away from human food such as chocolate, lollies, etc. Otherwise, your dog WILL die.

    • Hi Zemon, Chocolate is poison to Dogs..They don't know how much it would take to kill a Dog,but it can and well..You need to STOP!!! feeding any kind of chocolate to your Dog,it has probably made him sick for those 5 years..You are Lucky,or should I say,"Your Dog is very Lucky" that it didn't kill him..I never have giving chocolate or any kind of candy to My 2 Dogs..Besides Chocolate,any candy will rot their teeth..Your Friend,poppy1

    • I have seen dogs die from chocolate, the theobromine is toxic to them! Depending on the amount ingested it can be fatal. Dark chocolate is worse for them. If the dog is in poor health less chocolate could harm them more then it would a healthy dog.Please avoid giving your dog chocolate, even in small amounts, there are better treats out there that don't pose fatal side effects!!! If your dog knew and understood the risk they would not eat it!

    • just stop feeding it to him, dogs like us can become addicted to chocolate, a little isn't going to hurt him, but too much can kill him.Say one day you leave some chocolate, out more than he is used to, he smells it and recognizes that's the sweet stuff you give him and then eats all of it because he thinks its okay to eat as a treat, but you're not there to stop him, why would he? he won't stop because it's good (if you didn't know better you would eat the chocolate too) he could die, unless you somehow catch him in time to get his stomach pumped at the vet...