Does anyone know how much it will cost for a kennel cough vaccine?

For the past couple of days my dog has been coughing like she's choking on a hairball. Usually happens when she first gets up in the morning. Which causes her to vomit. Same thing happened today, only now she sounds like she can't breathe. A constant…

    Does anyone know how much it will cost for a kennel cough vaccine?

    For the past couple of days my dog has been coughing like she's choking on a hairball. Usually happens when she first gets up in the morning. Which causes her to vomit. Same thing happened today, only now she sounds like she can't breathe. A constant…...
    General Dog Discussions : Does anyone know how much it will cost for a kennel cough vaccine?...

    • Does anyone know how much it will cost for a kennel cough vaccine?

      Does anyone know how much it will cost for a kennel cough vaccine? General Dog Discussions
      For the past couple of days my dog has been coughing like she's choking on a hairball. Usually happens when she first gets up in the morning. Which causes her to vomit. Same thing happened today, only now she sounds like she can't breathe. A constant wheezing sound. From what I researched online it sounds like kennel cough. :/

      Does anyone know how much it will cost for a kennel cough vaccine?

      Does anyone know how much it will cost for a kennel cough vaccine? General Dog Discussions
    • Medivet charge £20But she would need antibiotics to treat the infection firstEDIT: Munchkin, the Kennel Cough infection can last in an animals immune system for 4 months, so even after the symptons have gone the infection if still there and can still pass on to other dogs.

    • if the dog has kennel cough the vet will not give a vaccine ... and unless you have an old dog or a dog with immune system problems, kennel cough it like the human cold and a healthy dog will get over it in two weeks ... and the kennel cough vaccine only prevents against a few strains when there are many strains out there ... there is no guarantee that a dog who received the vaccine would not get sick ... you can bring the dog to the vet if that would make you feel more comfortable but know if the vet offers antibiotics you are being taken advantage of ... keep your pooch away from other animals until he is feeling better ...