Things to do when your dog has kennel cough?

Two of my dogs have kennel cough (female Shepherd/lab, male min pin) and we took them to the vet, got them medication, and all that good stuff. But, obviously they are still gonna feel miserable until the medicine starts to really kick in. Like, when…

    Things to do when your dog has kennel cough?

    Two of my dogs have kennel cough (female Shepherd/lab, male min pin) and we took them to the vet, got them medication, and all that good stuff. But, obviously they are still gonna feel miserable until the medicine starts to really kick in. Like, when…...
    General Dog Discussions : Things to do when your dog has kennel cough?...

    • Things to do when your dog has kennel cough?

      Things to do when your dog has kennel cough? General Dog Discussions
      Two of my dogs have kennel cough (female Shepherd/lab, male min pin) and we took them to the vet, got them medication, and all that good stuff. But, obviously they are still gonna feel miserable until the medicine starts to really kick in. Like, when humans are sick they wanna be taken care of, and relax, have there neck/back rubbed, etc.. What do you do for dogs? Basically the same thing? Just to make this a little bit easier to deal with. And this is the female's first time ever getting sick.

      Things to do when your dog has kennel cough?

      Things to do when your dog has kennel cough? General Dog Discussions
    • 1. Do NOT take them anywhere near any other dog - this is extremely contagious. And if you have to go (back) to the vet's office, keep them outside, telling receiption you are there, until the vet is ready to see you, as if you take them into the waiting area, they will pass this on, even to vaccinated dogs although they won't be quite so badly affected and should shake it off fast. 2. The antibiotics your vet will have given you won't cure KC. It's normally the viral sort, and a virus can't be cured, it has to run it's course. The antibiotics will have been to help prevent it developing into pneumonia, which can happen, especially with the puppy, or the elderly. And as a virus, KC often shows up in a slightly different form, which is why even vaccinated animals can develop this.3. You can treat the symptoms - we use Benelyn in the UK, but check with your vet. Just give it time, keep them warm and quiet (the coughing is usually worse when they get excited and start bouncing around). Obviously if you feel they are deteriorating, contact your vet again.But don't be tempted to get them out as soon as you see no symptoms. They are still contagious for some days beyond the symptoms ending.

    • Give them a small amount of honey every few hours to sooth their throats. Watch their stools as this could make them loose.There is a homeopathic remedy for kennel cough which is available from Ainsworths in London 0207 935 5330. Order this and it will arrive the next working day, the remedy is called "Kennel Cough". They have a lady who specializes in dogs, she will help with any problems.