Why has my dog been throwing up and then sniffing and licking the floors of the house?

She has been licking herself and then occasionally throwing up after lately. She is a 3 year old Bichon Frise. Today while I was gone she threw up all over my room. It had never been this bad. And now she is walking around and sniffing the floors and…

    Why has my dog been throwing up and then sniffing and licking the floors of the house?

    She has been licking herself and then occasionally throwing up after lately. She is a 3 year old Bichon Frise. Today while I was gone she threw up all over my room. It had never been this bad. And now she is walking around and sniffing the floors and…...
    General Dog Discussions : Why has my dog been throwing up and then sniffing and licking the floors of the house?...

    • Why has my dog been throwing up and then sniffing and licking the floors of the house?

      Why has my dog been throwing up and then sniffing and licking the floors of the house? General Dog Discussions
      She has been licking herself and then occasionally throwing up after lately. She is a 3 year old Bichon Frise. Today while I was gone she threw up all over my room. It had never been this bad. And now she is walking around and sniffing the floors and corners of the house. Why is she behaving like this?? Please let me know if you have any information on this or know what it could possibly be caused by...

      Why has my dog been throwing up and then sniffing and licking the floors of the house?

      Why has my dog been throwing up and then sniffing and licking the floors of the house? General Dog Discussions
    • Well...as always, the best thing to do it - please go and see your vet. There could be a million and one reasons really. It's hard to diagnose via the internet. And most likely it's nothing, maybe even just hairballs. BUT it doesn't hurt to get checked. Especially important - keep an eye and her eating AND drinking, make sure she gets enough of both since that can be a sign of some sort of poisoning. Good luck with the cutie Bichon :)You seem like a nice person who cares about dogs. Please pass this on. It makes a difference.In all cities of Latvia there are many homeless animals. Viktor started to take care of stray dogs and cats and became an advocate on their behalf. In 2002, due to Viktor's effort, a station in which animals had been killed, was closed. Viktor began organizing and leading the city shelter. Local authorities suggested to put down animals that couldn't find a new home within a short period of time. But Viktor was strictly against the killing of healthy animals, and protested against the official plans, which led to the withdrawl of funds and ultimately, to his dismissal. In an effort to continue helping those animals, Viktor sold his city apartment and bought a piece of property in the village of Kumbuli. When he went to pick up the animals from the city shelter to bring them to his new home, a majority of them had already been killed. Only a few were still alive and could be rescued. That was a tough setback for Viktor, since he had rescued, fed and loved every single one of them. For the past 8 years Viktor and his wife are completely committed to animal welfare and run their private animal shelter with limited resources. Often times Viktor begs for money in nearby cities to buy enough pet food and medicine for his animals. It is hard to make ends meet. Viktor is constantly looking for animal-loving, helpful and generous people who are willing to support him and his wife!http://dogwaits.ucoz.com/http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=21611&id=100000467747228&l=0665476113http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2197&id=100000467747228&l=f8d0be1b95