I fed my kitten hairball remedy treats?

My mom bought hairball remedy treats and fed 3 to my 3 month old kitten without reading the back. on the back it said not to feed it to kittens under 6 months. will my cat be okay?i didnt call the number yet because my mom insists hes going to be okay,…

    I fed my kitten hairball remedy treats?

    My mom bought hairball remedy treats and fed 3 to my 3 month old kitten without reading the back. on the back it said not to feed it to kittens under 6 months. will my cat be okay?i didnt call the number yet because my mom insists hes going to be okay,…...
    General Dog Discussions : I fed my kitten hairball remedy treats?...

    • I fed my kitten hairball remedy treats?

      I fed my kitten hairball remedy treats? General Dog Discussions
      My mom bought hairball remedy treats and fed 3 to my 3 month old kitten without reading the back. on the back it said not to feed it to kittens under 6 months. will my cat be okay?i didnt call the number yet because my mom insists hes going to be okay, and i cant do it without her permissionTha package just said not to feed to kittens under 6 months.

      I fed my kitten hairball remedy treats?

      I fed my kitten hairball remedy treats? General Dog Discussions
    • What did the package say about it? Kittens that young don't usually GET hairballs, so don't need the medicine for them.Read the WARNING on the package, or CALL YOUR VET and ask. Also, sometimes there's a number to call for emergencies ON THE PACKAGE.........Look for that.........Hope your kitten is ok.......From now on, READ EVERYTHING on a package, before giving ANYTHING to a kitten / cat. Some things that are ok for dogs are toxic to cats, and people who don't read the warnings end up killing their cat!Don't you be one of those...........Good luck to your kitten.......