How can you get the best practical handling experience with different dog breeds?

I'm going to school to become a Dog Behaviorist. Classes and books can teach you a lot, but I know if you don't have the hands-on experience with different dog breeds you are missing a big chunk of knowledge.What would be some of the best ways to gain…

    How can you get the best practical handling experience with different dog breeds?

    I'm going to school to become a Dog Behaviorist. Classes and books can teach you a lot, but I know if you don't have the hands-on experience with different dog breeds you are missing a big chunk of knowledge.What would be some of the best ways to gain…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can you get the best practical handling experience with different dog breeds?...

    • How can you get the best practical handling experience with different dog breeds?

      How can you get the best practical handling experience with different dog breeds? General Dog Discussions
      I'm going to school to become a Dog Behaviorist. Classes and books can teach you a lot, but I know if you don't have the hands-on experience with different dog breeds you are missing a big chunk of knowledge.What would be some of the best ways to gain the experience of working with and observing the behaviors of different breeds? I have ideas myself of how to do this, but maybe some of you know of ways I haven't thought of yet. Thanks for your help!

      How can you get the best practical handling experience with different dog breeds?

      How can you get the best practical handling experience with different dog breeds? General Dog Discussions
    • Volunteer at a shelter.Volunteer at breed specific rescues especially those on banned breed lists and those that are known to require a firm owner.Volunteer at several private training facilities to observe different training methods. Do the same at Petsmart.Visit vet clinics. Discuss the behavioral problems with the staff and the vet.Spend the weekends at dog parks to observe how people interact with their dogs and each other.Participate in agility, fly ball, conformation, field and working dog events.Interview advocates of various training methods.Talk with owners about how they train and the problems they have with their dogs.Talk to parents groups. Learn ways to help new mothers deal with a dog and an infant. Discuss at what age it is appropriate for a child to have a dog. While doing this sharpen your skills of observation of the owner, dog and other individuals who are involved.Research the effectiveness of common remedies such as Rescue Remedy, Dog Appeasing Pheromone, the Thunder Shirt and prescription medication.Discuss the pros and cons of various methods of restraint and correction such as a flat collar, prong collar and shock collar.Delve into human as well as animal psychology.While doing this you will probably interact with almost every breed and mixed breed combination possible.