My cat is dying of cancer what should I do?

The vet says my cat has cancer and wanted me to give him permission to put her to sleep. I don't believe in drugs and chemo treatment so I saw this stuff with herbs for cat cancer that has burdock and other herbs and want to give it to my cat along with…

    My cat is dying of cancer what should I do?

    The vet says my cat has cancer and wanted me to give him permission to put her to sleep. I don't believe in drugs and chemo treatment so I saw this stuff with herbs for cat cancer that has burdock and other herbs and want to give it to my cat along with…...
    General Dog Discussions : My cat is dying of cancer what should I do?...

    • My cat is dying of cancer what should I do?

      My cat is dying of cancer what should I do? General Dog Discussions
      The vet says my cat has cancer and wanted me to give him permission to put her to sleep. I don't believe in drugs and chemo treatment so I saw this stuff with herbs for cat cancer that has burdock and other herbs and want to give it to my cat along with the Rx the doctor has prescribed. Has anyone else out there tried these natural products ? Did your dog or cat get better ?Just wanted to add some more to this cat is home and seems normal except she's feeling weak. She's doesn't seem to be in any pain.

      My cat is dying of cancer what should I do?

      My cat is dying of cancer what should I do? General Dog Discussions
    • If you love your cat, and it sounds like you do, don't put it through unnecessary suffering. When the quality of life dips so that it is miserable, do the kind thing. when my cat died i waited a little too long and tried a little too much vet stuff. Looking back I really regret not saying goodbye a little sooner.

    • i fur love is soo bigmake sure u give her evry pillfrom lef orgthen if it hapens have her cropresevedto be braugth back to life at a late timewhen cancer and aging are cured

    • If your cat is dying and in pain you have the responsibility of putting the cat to sleep. I love cats so I know you are hurting but don't let the cat suffer. You will feel better about it in the long run.

    • Its is so much kinder to have her put down and the shot they give only takes seconds to work, there is no pain and no fear.. I had to have my cocker spaniel put down and it was a peaceful way for him to go... good luck and Im sorry i know how painful it is to lose a pet..

    • My dog has cancer also. My dog doesnt appear to be suffering at all though, so I intend to let him live until he shows any pain. If your cat doesnt appear to be suffering, I would let her live until she does show any pain. Then let the vet put her down.

    • I know it is hard, I love my cat with all of my heart, but you should have him put to sleep because if not he will have prolonged suffering and I am sure you do not want that, please find it in your heart to give him the same respect and dignity you would want if you were in the same situation. My thoughts and prayers are with you.Samadhi

    • I lost a cat to mammary cancer three years ago. By the time it was discovered it had already metasticized to his lungs. He couldn't breathe and I felt I must euthanize him.Now I have a cat with bladder cancer, transitional cell carcinoma, which the vet says is very aggressive and for which they is no treatment option.I am on the Yahoo group for feline cancer. Most of the people there are using chemo and radiation. I am working with a homeopathic vet who has prescribed a remedy for my cat. He has had two doses so far.Contact me at [email protected] if you would like to talk to me further about homeopathy or your cat's cancer.

    • If you really do love your cat, dont let kitty cat suffer no more. Spend some time with your cat alone, say for 2 days, and you should put her to sleep as soon as possible.Maybe she is really suffering from inside, how will the cat be able to tell you, the cat cant speak...A wise choice would be, to let her go. I advice you not to purchase any more pets as one day they have to go, sadly, their life capacity is very minimal. Once we get too attached, it will be hard to let it see go.

    • honestly, i think that you should put your cat to sleep. It is in pain, even if you don't think so. If you try to use the herbal remedy and it doesn't work, you will be leaving your cat in more pain and it will be even harder for you because you know that you tried and failed. Just do what you think...try to help, or put your cat to sleepIt's your choice and a very hard on, but your decision will affect your life and your cat.