After how long when the female dog is bred is the vet able to determine if the female is pregnant?

When can I take the female dog to the vet to determine if she is pregnant?

    After how long when the female dog is bred is the vet able to determine if the female is pregnant?

    When can I take the female dog to the vet to determine if she is pregnant?...
    General Dog Discussions : After how long when the female dog is bred is the vet able to determine if the female is pregnant?...

    • After how long when the female dog is bred is the vet able to determine if the female is pregnant?

      After how long when the female dog is bred is the vet able to determine if the female is pregnant? General Dog Discussions
      When can I take the female dog to the vet to determine if she is pregnant?

      After how long when the female dog is bred is the vet able to determine if the female is pregnant?

      After how long when the female dog is bred is the vet able to determine if the female is pregnant? General Dog Discussions
    • Isn't that why you did all that studying and bred your champion b*tch under the supervision of an experienced mentor in your breed, so you wouldn't have to rely on YA as a source of information, making yourself look like a POS BYB who would put your dog's life at risk to profit off a litter of badly bred puppies?

    • Oh not again. Your dog has mated 3 times. Of course she's pregnant.If you were a responsible owner you would have spayed your dog instead of adding to the already millions of badly bred dogs being killed in the pounds.How about you do something sensible and responsible and take your dog to the vet for an emergency spay.