Can female dog be spayed while in heat or how soon after?

We've found a dog and no one claimed her. She was and still is in heat. We're trying to look for a home for her instead of taking her to a shelter. My vet suggests doing the spaying 4 weeks after she stops bleeding and my concern is what if she's…

    Can female dog be spayed while in heat or how soon after?

    We've found a dog and no one claimed her. She was and still is in heat. We're trying to look for a home for her instead of taking her to a shelter. My vet suggests doing the spaying 4 weeks after she stops bleeding and my concern is what if she's…...
    General Dog Discussions : Can female dog be spayed while in heat or how soon after?...

    • Can female dog be spayed while in heat or how soon after?

      Can female dog be spayed while in heat or how soon after? General Dog Discussions
      We've found a dog and no one claimed her. She was and still is in heat. We're trying to look for a home for her instead of taking her to a shelter. My vet suggests doing the spaying 4 weeks after she stops bleeding and my concern is what if she's pregnant already? We have no idea if she came into contact with a male dog before we found her and since we're looking for a home for her I have to be upfront about this and it's a turn off for possible new owners...

      Can female dog be spayed while in heat or how soon after?

      Can female dog be spayed while in heat or how soon after? General Dog Discussions
    • She can be spayed if she is pregnant. She can be spayed if she is in heat. Both operations are more risky than a normal spay, done during the time between her seasons. Some shelters will even spay a puppy 8 weeks old, for heaven's sake! It's a simple operation, and most vets do so many that they can practically do them blindfolded.I had my collie mix spayed the first day she showed blood; it was her 6-month birthday. We were expecting a friend's dog the next day-- I had agreed to dog-sit while they went on vacation. He was an intact male Malemute mix twice her size; and I had NO intention of watching them play sex games for two weeks and then raising a litter of mutt puppies. She was utterly fine the next day.Discuss the possibilities with your vet; you might want a second opinion.