On average, how much does it cost to take care of a Basenji dog?.?

I am just asking as an average, I know that it varies from owner to owner but any approximate answers would be helpful. :)This is including grooming, taking it to the vet, other expenses.This is my first time thinking about getting a dog and i just want…

    On average, how much does it cost to take care of a Basenji dog?.?

    I am just asking as an average, I know that it varies from owner to owner but any approximate answers would be helpful. :)This is including grooming, taking it to the vet, other expenses.This is my first time thinking about getting a dog and i just want…...
    General Dog Discussions : On average, how much does it cost to take care of a Basenji dog?.?...

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    • On average, how much does it cost to take care of a Basenji dog?.?

      On average, how much does it cost to take care of a Basenji dog?.? General Dog Discussions
      I am just asking as an average, I know that it varies from owner to owner but any approximate answers would be helpful. :)This is including grooming, taking it to the vet, other expenses.This is my first time thinking about getting a dog and i just want to know an approximate amount of money i need to spend on this Basenji dog. Thank-you for your time ;)

      On average, how much does it cost to take care of a Basenji dog?.?

      On average, how much does it cost to take care of a Basenji dog?.? General Dog Discussions
    • The cost would be the same for a Basenji as any other dog.Food costs........what would you feed and how much? Each dog food requires a different amount..the label tells you how much to feed. Good dog food runs from 20.00 for 15 pounds up to 60.00.collar and leash.........about 25.00bowls.....fancy or plain?vets visits.....58.00 and up depending upon what is done.vaccinations .......3 the first year for sure, then rabies every 3 years. cost is determined by the individual vets. Except for rabies, you can do your own vaccinations.dentals can run from 250.00 up to 700.00 and more depending upon the quality of the dogs teeth.grooming........I charge 25.00 for a Basenji. Depending upon whether or not your dog is active, lives in the house or outside, determines how often you get it groomed. No reason why you can't bath a dog like this yourself.If your dog ends up with a genetic health defect, you could end up with fairly high vet bills.

    • It's really hard to say because all dogs are different. And Basenji's are totally different than other dogs! Their temperment with strangers might make it difficult for grooming and the vet. For example, we have to take ours in to the vet to get sedated, then get his nails clipped because otherwise he'd go insane on the poor groomers. Basenji's are really unpredictable and notoriously untrainable, so the price of training can be quite high. Also, they can be really finicky eaters. Again, any type of dog could have these problems, and some Basenji's might not have any of these. I think it would be a good idea to get pet insurance, because if the Basenji isn't a mixed dog, they tend to have a lot of health problems because of inbreeding.