Vet or anyone that knows about green iguanas?

I have an assessment to do for college and all it asks is:there are 2 green iguanas, one of them is underweight and has early signs of metabolic bone disease, the other one of the 2 iguanas is overweight.advise how the diets of the two reptiles should…

    Vet or anyone that knows about green iguanas?

    I have an assessment to do for college and all it asks is:there are 2 green iguanas, one of them is underweight and has early signs of metabolic bone disease, the other one of the 2 iguanas is overweight.advise how the diets of the two reptiles should…...
    General Dog Discussions : Vet or anyone that knows about green iguanas?...

    • Vet or anyone that knows about green iguanas?

      Vet or anyone that knows about green iguanas? General Dog Discussions
      I have an assessment to do for college and all it asks is:there are 2 green iguanas, one of them is underweight and has early signs of metabolic bone disease, the other one of the 2 iguanas is overweight.advise how the diets of the two reptiles should differ.any help please!! I will be very greatful ... thank you x

      Vet or anyone that knows about green iguanas?

      Vet or anyone that knows about green iguanas? General Dog Discussions
    • Well, I'm not vet, but I will be applying for pre vet courses in the next few months. I have 4 lizards, one of them being a green iguana.For the first iguana, I'd give a lot of high calorie, high calcium foods, like dandelion, clover, and cactus pads. I would drastically cut back or eliminate all lettuce, which is mostly water and has little nutrition.On the otherhand, the second lizard, I'd replace maybe a quarter of his diet with Romaine lettuce. It's relatively low calorie and is mostly water. He'd still get the nutrition he needs from the other veggies, but the Romaine lettuce can help cut out some calories without starving him.

    • ok girl you gotta go to the vet or pet shop for advice im sorry i could not give any advice to you oh and can you help with my questions plz thnxfrom vinny

    • That one answer was very good. The only thing I would add is (this isn't about the diet but might give you some extra points) The iguana with early signs of metabolic bone disease also needs placed in a habitat that will provide him with the proper UVB rays (a specific lighting) that he needs so his bones can absorb the calcium.

    • first diet suggested is good but need great UVB for one with bone disease so he can get as much calcium as possible plus of course calcium spray..... the one that is underweight you can give small amount of wet low fat dog food too just not too much or you will blow out is kidneys