4month old puppy beagle urinates frequently and drinks alot?

my puppy beagle drinks alot of water i fill up his bowl 7 or 8 times aday and then he wee's alot its mainly clear and alot of it so very hard to house train. other than that his in perfect health no signs of other problems normal playful puppy. his been…

    4month old puppy beagle urinates frequently and drinks alot?

    my puppy beagle drinks alot of water i fill up his bowl 7 or 8 times aday and then he wee's alot its mainly clear and alot of it so very hard to house train. other than that his in perfect health no signs of other problems normal playful puppy. his been…...
    General Dog Discussions : 4month old puppy beagle urinates frequently and drinks alot?...

    • 4month old puppy beagle urinates frequently and drinks alot?

      4month old puppy beagle urinates frequently and drinks alot? General Dog Discussions
      my puppy beagle drinks alot of water i fill up his bowl 7 or 8 times aday and then he wee's alot its mainly clear and alot of it so very hard to house train. other than that his in perfect health no signs of other problems normal playful puppy. his been like it since i got him really. gonna go to vets but just wanted some advice . thanks

      4month old puppy beagle urinates frequently and drinks alot?

      4month old puppy beagle urinates frequently and drinks alot? General Dog Discussions
    • The most obvios conclusion is diabetes however this is more common in older dogs but this could be a congenital disorder. Did you get puppy from reputable breeder? The only way to be sure is for vet to take blood test. Hope this helps

    • I had a Yellow Lab that was the same way. funny thing when it snowed he would drag his tongue on the ground just to get more water. Never took him to the vet but later on asked someone about it and the told me that was a sign of possible diabeties

    • Wow.Stop filling up his water so much.Does your beagle stay at home, or plays outside?Maybe it's far too hot.So you should provide a cool spot for him to rest in.Cut down the water to 4-5 bowls a day.If her tongue isn't hanging out, she doesn't really need the water.

    • Could be lots of reasons for this, from diabetes to kidneys not working (he's very young), to a comparatively simple UTI but whatever, he needs to be checked by a vet. Collect a sample of his pee to take with you, and get him to your vet. Depending on the size of this bowl (!?), that seems an extraordinary amount of water to be taking onboard.Dogs on dry/complete food, do drink more than those on a natural food, but even so ..........................

    • We have a dog that at 11years old is still not housebroke and will drink and drink and drink. My vet said it is not necessary to keep a constant supply of water for him. Just make sure your allowing enough for him to stay hydrated and happy. It would not hurt to look into some blood tests to see if their is a reason to his over drinking.

    • Puppies do need to urinate alot as they only have small baldders but as he is drink alot as well it is worth a visit to the vet. I would recommend you try and get a fresh urine sample to take with you so the vet can check it. You need to sterile what use use to get the sample and also what you put it in. This is easily done by put in boliing water for a few minutes so need to use some thing that won't melt.