My dogs due date is 21st nov took 4 scan on6th nov vet says 7 days should I use his dates or my own?

My dogs due date is 21st nov took 4 scan on6th nov vet says 7 days should I use his dates or my own?

    My dogs due date is 21st nov took 4 scan on6th nov vet says 7 days should I use his dates or my own?

    My dogs due date is 21st nov took 4 scan on6th nov vet says 7 days should I use his dates or my own?...
    General Dog Discussions : My dogs due date is 21st nov took 4 scan on6th nov vet says 7 days should I use his dates or my own?...

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    • My dogs due date is 21st nov took 4 scan on6th nov vet says 7 days should I use his dates or my own?

      My dogs due date is 21st nov took 4 scan on6th nov vet says 7 days should I use his dates or my own? General Dog Discussions
      My dogs due date is 21st nov took 4 scan on6th nov vet says 7 days should I use his dates or my own?

      My dogs due date is 21st nov took 4 scan on6th nov vet says 7 days should I use his dates or my own?

      My dogs due date is 21st nov took 4 scan on6th nov vet says 7 days should I use his dates or my own? General Dog Discussions
    • Just wait!!! If you know when she was mated, count 62/63 days from the first mating, bearing in mind conception may not have taken place then.For me, scanning is a total waste of money and unnecessary stress/risk of infection to a pregnant b itch. Unless you need to know early on to make a decision about an e-spay, then you are only lining the pocket of the vet. If, after 64 days have gone, nothing has started, then you need to take her in and your vet will either go ahead and give her a shot, or x-ray (or both) which is far more reliable than scanning in any case. Scanning will only confirm, or not, a pregnancy at the time of the scan in any case. It's no guarantee the pregnancy will go to term.You cannot hurry nature. I know it's hard to have to wait, but it's the only thing to do. She'll whelp when she's good and ready.

    • Just like humans - neither of those methods are an exact science so just watch for the signs - the belly drops really low, her teats may start leaking, she will start looking for a safe place to give birth so make sure she can't get under beds and things like that where it could be difficult to get to her. start watching her more closely from your dates onwards and if it looks like she is going into labour keep it quiet and warm but watch her to make sure that she doesn't start having any problems certain breeds nowadays seem to always have problems but with most they get on with it very naturally.