Am i doing the right thing?

Three weeks ago my dog had a sore neck and was limping so took him to vet. Vet said it was prob a sprain and advised rest and pain killers. Vet said if it was no better in 2 weeks he would xray him. Well he did get better although not 100% then yesterday…

    Am i doing the right thing?

    Three weeks ago my dog had a sore neck and was limping so took him to vet. Vet said it was prob a sprain and advised rest and pain killers. Vet said if it was no better in 2 weeks he would xray him. Well he did get better although not 100% then yesterday…...
    General Dog Discussions : Am i doing the right thing?...

    • sorry but for your husband to say that is wrong, dogs don't know how to be wimps, when they are in pain they are in pain not just messing about. if he has a slipped disk or even worse it could spread down his body paralysing him, if its spinal from the neck down it can be very dangerous. please get him checked asap.. i wouldn't wait till tomorrow he would be taken to emergency if he was mine, if you can't afford vet bills don't get a dog, it is simple i work rescuing dogs, cats, and mainly horses and some people really infuriate me!

    • if i may be so bold as to say this qestion should not be asked,if it was a child would your husband be still have the same reaction...i have had dogs all my days all live to rip old age ,because they go to the vet no matter the done a very good thing getting a rescued greyhound after all they deserve a bit of love in there lifes, and some rescued dogs have problems, yet you still took it i will say go to the vet or give up the dog after all you should love your pets like part of the family.