why does my dog pant so much?

i have a lab/springer 7yr old male with short coat.he drinks alot of water but still seems to pant all the time.

    why does my dog pant so much?

    i have a lab/springer 7yr old male with short coat.he drinks alot of water but still seems to pant all the time....
    General Dog Discussions : why does my dog pant so much?...

    • Dog's dont sweat, their way to get rid of the heat is to pant and release vapour from their tounges. Its natural so dont worry about it. Try to keep your dog in the shade when it is outside and make sure it has plenty of water.

    • The only way for a dog to cool himself is to pant. They are not able to sweat like we can.So panting when hot, nervous or uncomfortable is normal for a dog.The weather that we have been having lately is very hot so no worries.

    • Dogs have very few sweat glands and those they have tend to be around the face, ears and legs. To lose heat when they get too hot is nearly impossible by sweating so instead they pant. This extrudes the excess heat from the dogs body via the moisture in the air they breathe out. Without this mechanism of heat loss dogs would surely die of heatstroke. This is another reason why dogs should not be left in a car on very hot days. They extrude the heat into the air only to be taking in even hotter air causing them to get ill. A dog will last only minutes in a hot car! Panting has developed in a few animals but did you know the pig has no sweat glands whatsoever? They cannot pant either so to loose their heat they wallow in mud or water. The rapid evaporation of water carries away the excess heat from the skin!

    • All dogs pant to cool themselves off and when they are stressed or in pain. So if your pup is not stressed out or in pain it's a good likelyhood that he is just trying to cool himself off-smell his feet and see if they smell sweaty...they sweat through their toes also.

    • when dogs are hot they pant but if its not a hot day and he is still panting he might have a temperature, my old dog was doing the same took him to vets and his temp was up for some reason had to have antibiotics.