Somethings wrong with my dogs pad on his paw?

2 days ago i took my dog for a walk. He flinched his paw because he stood on something. Then the next day he was limping slightly. Now, today he is limping more and the pad is very swollen. He growls if we touch his paw and its very painful. Is this…

    Somethings wrong with my dogs pad on his paw?

    2 days ago i took my dog for a walk. He flinched his paw because he stood on something. Then the next day he was limping slightly. Now, today he is limping more and the pad is very swollen. He growls if we touch his paw and its very painful. Is this…...
    General Dog Discussions : Somethings wrong with my dogs pad on his paw?...

    • Somethings wrong with my dogs pad on his paw?

      Somethings wrong with my dogs pad on his paw? General Dog Discussions
      2 days ago i took my dog for a walk. He flinched his paw because he stood on something. Then the next day he was limping slightly. Now, today he is limping more and the pad is very swollen. He growls if we touch his paw and its very painful. Is this something i can sort out at home? or should i take him to the vets?

      Somethings wrong with my dogs pad on his paw?

      Somethings wrong with my dogs pad on his paw? General Dog Discussions
    • He has probably stood on something and its now stuck in-between the pads. Take him to the vets and they will get a proper look at it. He will need an anti inflammatory if its swollen there could also be in infection if the object has broken the skin.

    • dont wet the paw, if it is a thorn the wood will splinter more. muzzle him, get someone to hold him and with a torch have a good look at his paw. your going to have to be cruel to be kind here. the longer the thorn is left in the more likely it will be for infection. if you see the tip of the thorn, pull it out very quickly, try not to snap it on the way out. then wash the wound in hibiscrub or another antibacterial wash for the next 2/3 days. if it starts to get hot or swollen it is infected and you have to take your dog to the vets. if you cant see any thorn or other object that is causing the pain you should also go to the vets. also keep the thorn to show the vet as some can be poisonous. you are just going to have to force him to let you look, just leaving it be because he doesnt want you to touch it isnt going to help him. hope he gets better soon.