Will my dog feel ill the day he is neutered?

He is 7 months old. He is going in the vets at 10am and we're picking him up at about 5pm. We want to drive up to a friends in the country that night, its about a 3 hr drive. Will he be able to hack it?? Or will he be sick etc?I can easily change the…

    Will my dog feel ill the day he is neutered?

    He is 7 months old. He is going in the vets at 10am and we're picking him up at about 5pm. We want to drive up to a friends in the country that night, its about a 3 hr drive. Will he be able to hack it?? Or will he be sick etc?I can easily change the…...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my dog feel ill the day he is neutered?...

    • Will my dog feel ill the day he is neutered?

      Will my dog feel ill the day he is neutered? General Dog Discussions
      He is 7 months old. He is going in the vets at 10am and we're picking him up at about 5pm. We want to drive up to a friends in the country that night, its about a 3 hr drive. Will he be able to hack it?? Or will he be sick etc?I can easily change the date of the appointment.hes very good in the car, he usually quite enjoys it

      Will my dog feel ill the day he is neutered?

      Will my dog feel ill the day he is neutered? General Dog Discussions
    • I would have a towel handy the worse thingis going to be sick from the anesthesia. Have him a bed prepared in the car. We have had to do this several times. Get dogs altered and then transport them to fosters or new homes that may not be as close as we are to the vet. 7months by the time you get there he will be rip roarin.

    • if the dog is use to traveling in the car than there should be no problem. After neutering he will generally require approx 7 to 10 days of very little activity ie: jumping, running to help the healing process. In most cases the vet will and should keep the dog overnite. If the dog though is not use to car rides than you may want to rethink this. It could put undue stress on him which could only compound his situation.

    • No, dont go, he needs to be in his home after the surgery. He will feel more comfortable there. He will be sleepy & may or may not vomit from the anesthesia. Car ride may intensify upset stomach. Mine came home after and was very very sleepy & sore. You woudlnt want to ride in the car after that would you?Good luck - baby him!

    • he should be fine bab, i had my dog neutered when he was 11 years old, then went on Holiday with him, it was a 4 hour drive and was like nuffing had happened. I think the opp is different now they injected something in2 there balls. and cut the tubes, he had 4 stitches along his willy xxx

    • Usually they just lay around for the first day. Is he on pain meds? The pain meds tend to make them relaxed and sleepy. I think he will be okay..just don't expect him to run around a play.

    • Mine was not very active the first day . second day a little more on the go and by the third day happy go lucky.. I was really worried for him getting it done..but it was a breeze..I would suggest staying home.. or changing the appointment if you really got to go.he may get car sick with the meds in him.. and he will really need a good night sleep..