What is wrong with my dog? Urgent!?

Well basically I have a Sharpei and I know their commonly known to have skin,eye and ear problems but recently I've noticed a few weeks back say about 2-3 weeks,I noticed she had these black lump like things all around her face completely suffocating her…

    What is wrong with my dog? Urgent!?

    Well basically I have a Sharpei and I know their commonly known to have skin,eye and ear problems but recently I've noticed a few weeks back say about 2-3 weeks,I noticed she had these black lump like things all around her face completely suffocating her…...
    General Dog Discussions : What is wrong with my dog? Urgent!?...

    • What is wrong with my dog? Urgent!?

      What is wrong with my dog? Urgent!? General Dog Discussions
      Well basically I have a Sharpei and I know their commonly known to have skin,eye and ear problems but recently I've noticed a few weeks back say about 2-3 weeks,I noticed she had these black lump like things all around her face completely suffocating her nose. So a couple days later me and my dad bathed her as she started to smell. When she got out the bath she shook (as any dog would) and all blood splattered on the door. So whilst my dad was cleaning out the bath I took a closer look at her back and realised a lot of like pin hole sized cuts at the bottom of her back all bleeding. So making sure I wasn't seeing things I wiped it real carefully and the blood came back as soon as I blinked. But just before we moved here she was running around the back garden and next door has a Pitbull and not thinking anything of it their was a hole in the fence but I thought it would be impossible her fitting through it as she is quite a chunky dog. The next minute she was sniffing around the fence and the dog next door got her and she's been really sensitive with strangers and growls at the vet and goes all viscious on them. Well I think I would if I just got attacked and people were prodding and poking me with needles. Anyway, since we bathed her she's been really sleepy and hasn't wanted to go out in the back garden without someone standing by the fence. She will just sit by the door waiting to go back in. I mean is the sleepiness normal or not? She's normally really bouncy and energetic. My dad has rang the vet a variety of times but with it being over the Christmas period and the New year just gone they are hardly open. My dad says he will ring the next morning but he's always at work. I'm 14 so is it possible for me to ring them myself? And take her myself? I'm really worried she's gone off her food and won't eat. And all the lumps surrounding her face have turned white and I'm getting really concerned. Someone please help,and were trying the vet in the morning but in the meanwhile could someone give me a heads up of what's wrong with my dog? Thanks it would mean a lot x

      What is wrong with my dog? Urgent!?

      What is wrong with my dog? Urgent!? General Dog Discussions
    • Anytime there is a serious behavioral change a dog, it needs to be seen by a vet as soon as possible. The not eating is a cause for serious concern.You can call the vet - your dad doesn't have to do that. As for taking her in without one of your parents, it depends on the vet's rules. They may allow you to bring her in, provided your parents agree to pay whatever charges are incurred from the visit.