Does any one have any suggestions on how to get rid of stud tail?

My dog has a stud tail bald spot, does any one have a suggestion on how to get rid of it?

    Does any one have any suggestions on how to get rid of stud tail?

    My dog has a stud tail bald spot, does any one have a suggestion on how to get rid of it?...
    General Dog Discussions : Does any one have any suggestions on how to get rid of stud tail?...

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    • Does any one have any suggestions on how to get rid of stud tail?

      Does any one have any suggestions on how to get rid of stud tail? General Dog Discussions
      My dog has a stud tail bald spot, does any one have a suggestion on how to get rid of it?

      Does any one have any suggestions on how to get rid of stud tail?

      Does any one have any suggestions on how to get rid of stud tail? General Dog Discussions
    • OK again the dog needs a vet. "There is a sebaceous gland near the base of the tail in both dogs and cats that sometimes becomes over-active and/or infected. In cats, this condition is called "stud tail" even though the problem sometimes occurs in females and castrated males. In dogs, the same condition is usually just called by it's medical name: Supracaudal Gland Infection or Supracaudal Gland Hyperplasia. If no underlying problems (typically fleas) are found, then treatment consists mostly of cleaning with degreasing shampoos and possibly short term steroids and antibiotic therapy. In dogs, every once in a while, surgical reduction or removal of the gland is needed. In cats, castration often helps."

    • the acne med Oxy10 is reputed to be sucessful - sometimesmake sure it IS stud tail - I had a young male that I thought had stud tail- seems the water bucket that I kept in a narrow, out of way, corner of kitchen was at fault. The long bodied male rubbed his tail while drinking while my other dogs didn't - moved bucket, "stud tail" cured