how much benadryl would I give a 8 lb dog to sedate?

I adopted a dog that has her toenails going under her pads where she was not taken care of, and she will not let me touch them. I need to sedate her to clip her nails.

    how much benadryl would I give a 8 lb dog to sedate?

    I adopted a dog that has her toenails going under her pads where she was not taken care of, and she will not let me touch them. I need to sedate her to clip her nails....
    General Dog Discussions : how much benadryl would I give a 8 lb dog to sedate?...

    • how much benadryl would I give a 8 lb dog to sedate?

      how much benadryl would I give a 8 lb dog to sedate? General Dog Discussions
      I adopted a dog that has her toenails going under her pads where she was not taken care of, and she will not let me touch them. I need to sedate her to clip her nails.

      how much benadryl would I give a 8 lb dog to sedate?

      how much benadryl would I give a 8 lb dog to sedate? General Dog Discussions
    • I would not medicate your dog without the advice and/or supervision of a vet. I work at an emergency pet clinic and we get these calls all of the time. I am told that under no circumstances are dosage advices to be given out without seeing the animal. There are so many factors that relate to medicating a pet, it is better to leave it to a trained professional. If the dog was neglected, she most likely desperately needs a vet exam anyways, along with her shots. She could have worms, etc, that could detract from her health.If this really can't wait until you see the vet, I suggest you try making or buying a soft muzzle from her, getting a friend to help hold her, and going at it then.You could try using a towel or cloth as a makeshift muzzle, just make sure you don't block off her breathing. You could also try distracting her with a snack. One vet clinic I interned at would spray a line of cheez wiz on the table, and then get going on the nails or shots while the dog was lapping it up.