How much will bloodwork on my dog cost?

My vet wants to do either bloodwork or do an abdominal radiograph on my Dog due to his constant vomiting. Does anyone know how much either of these may cost?

    How much will bloodwork on my dog cost?

    My vet wants to do either bloodwork or do an abdominal radiograph on my Dog due to his constant vomiting. Does anyone know how much either of these may cost?...
    General Dog Discussions : How much will bloodwork on my dog cost?...

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    • How much will bloodwork on my dog cost?

      How much will bloodwork on my dog cost? General Dog Discussions
      My vet wants to do either bloodwork or do an abdominal radiograph on my Dog due to his constant vomiting. Does anyone know how much either of these may cost?

      How much will bloodwork on my dog cost?

      How much will bloodwork on my dog cost? General Dog Discussions
    • it depends on the vet. I had some senior bloodwork done on my dog the other week, and that cost about $98.A radiograph could run anywhere between $40-$80. Again, depending on the vet and how many x rays he will be taking.