Would anesthesia be used to do a teeth cleaning procedure on a dog? and what are the side effects?

My dog got her teeth cleaned today, and came home abnormally sluggish. I'm worried they might have given her something to keep her from resisting the teeth cleaning, but if that was the case I wasn't informed about it and the possible side effects. Any…

    Would anesthesia be used to do a teeth cleaning procedure on a dog? and what are the side effects?

    My dog got her teeth cleaned today, and came home abnormally sluggish. I'm worried they might have given her something to keep her from resisting the teeth cleaning, but if that was the case I wasn't informed about it and the possible side effects. Any…...
    General Dog Discussions : Would anesthesia be used to do a teeth cleaning procedure on a dog? and what are the side effects?...

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    • Would anesthesia be used to do a teeth cleaning procedure on a dog? and what are the side effects?

      Would anesthesia be used to do a teeth cleaning procedure on a dog? and what are the side effects? General Dog Discussions
      My dog got her teeth cleaned today, and came home abnormally sluggish. I'm worried they might have given her something to keep her from resisting the teeth cleaning, but if that was the case I wasn't informed about it and the possible side effects. Any help would be great, thanks in advance.

      Would anesthesia be used to do a teeth cleaning procedure on a dog? and what are the side effects?

      Would anesthesia be used to do a teeth cleaning procedure on a dog? and what are the side effects? General Dog Discussions
    • Anesthetic is used for dental cleaning. It's routine procedure. Vets do blood work and run a pretty thorough battery of tests before putting a dog under to rule out health problems that could be aggravated by anesthetic.Call your vet if you are concerned about side effects.

    • Yes, anesthesia is normal used for a dental cleaning surgery. The dog would likely be tired and her mouth will be sore for a few days. If teeth had to be pulled, she may not want to eat either. I guess the vet did not explain the surgery very well. It is similar to having your teeth cleaned, but they do have to be put under an anesthetic.

    • I volunteered at a vet clinic for 3 weeks and saw the after effects of anesthesia, oh and yes it will be used. After they put the dogs back in the kennel some whine and howl.They act dizzy, or some will go to sleep.Some will act lost or act a bit out of it.One lab went crazy and was howling and scratching at the cage while laying down :/ BUT, this is not dangerous and the side effects wear off in a couple of hours, it varies from dog to dog.Don't worry :)

    • Anytime an anesthetic is used there is bound to be some residual grogginess. Dogs are completely unconscious while their teeth are being cleaned. It is safer for the dog and the tech who does the work that way. By morning, your dog should have slept off all of the after effects.There is a form of anesthetic-free teeth cleaning but there is some controversy over whether it is really that effective, does it get under the gum line, and is it worth paying to have it done several times a year, etc. If you don't like the grogginess, you could perhaps find someone to do the dog's teeth the other way or you can regularly brush your dog's teeth and keep the tartar at bay.