How do I stop my dog from crying/ constant tears?

I have a dog that is half Pomeranian and half Chihuahua. She has these tears where she is constantly crying and I don't know if its because she has emotional feelings about something, or if it is natural that she constantly has tears coming from her…

    How do I stop my dog from crying/ constant tears?

    I have a dog that is half Pomeranian and half Chihuahua. She has these tears where she is constantly crying and I don't know if its because she has emotional feelings about something, or if it is natural that she constantly has tears coming from her…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I stop my dog from crying/ constant tears?...

    • How do I stop my dog from crying/ constant tears?

      How do I stop my dog from crying/ constant tears? General Dog Discussions
      I have a dog that is half Pomeranian and half Chihuahua. She has these tears where she is constantly crying and I don't know if its because she has emotional feelings about something, or if it is natural that she constantly has tears coming from her eyes. She doesn't crying as in she yells but theres always tears coming from her eyes and she's been crying so much that there is stains by her eyes that are dried up tears. If it's not natural, can I do something to make the tears stop like cleaning it with Q-tips?

      How do I stop my dog from crying/ constant tears?

      How do I stop my dog from crying/ constant tears? General Dog Discussions
    • Dogs don't cry emotional tears. Your dog may have a problem with her tear ducts (which is easy to fix), the structure of the area around her eye, eyelashes growing inward and irritating the eye, lots of hair or dust in her eyes, eye infections, or something else. You need to take her to a veterinarian to find out what is wrong, and what can be done about it. This is not normal. Cleaning alone is not enough and won't stop the constant tearing.Aside from having a wet face, the constant moisture can create skin infections under each eye. These can be yeast infections (stinky infections) or bacterial infections. The dog could end up with raw, open sores under each eye. The skin may become scarred and the hair may never re-grow there.People develop this problem sometimes, too. In people, it is usually a tear duct problem.Please see your vet and get this taken care of.