how long does it take for Alprazolam to take full effect in Dogs?

My dogs are Thunderstorm phobic and their Vet has prescribed Alprazolam. I want to know how much time it takes to become optimally effective. Then I'll know if I need to increase the dose. Please do Not lecture me about Animal Behaviorists. I need to…

    how long does it take for Alprazolam to take full effect in Dogs?

    My dogs are Thunderstorm phobic and their Vet has prescribed Alprazolam. I want to know how much time it takes to become optimally effective. Then I'll know if I need to increase the dose. Please do Not lecture me about Animal Behaviorists. I need to…...
    General Dog Discussions : how long does it take for Alprazolam to take full effect in Dogs?...

    • how long does it take for Alprazolam to take full effect in Dogs?

      how long does it take for Alprazolam to take full effect in Dogs? General Dog Discussions
      My dogs are Thunderstorm phobic and their Vet has prescribed Alprazolam. I want to know how much time it takes to become optimally effective. Then I'll know if I need to increase the dose. Please do Not lecture me about Animal Behaviorists. I need to get some sleep NOW.

      how long does it take for Alprazolam to take full effect in Dogs?

      how long does it take for Alprazolam to take full effect in Dogs? General Dog Discussions