How to stop my dog bite her back all the times?

Last years the Vet cost me over $125 for her allergies, so is there any way I can put on her back to stop it?I am just asking.Thanks.@Loyal Person@ LoL, I never mention about shot.Beagle.

    How to stop my dog bite her back all the times?

    Last years the Vet cost me over $125 for her allergies, so is there any way I can put on her back to stop it?I am just asking.Thanks.@Loyal Person@ LoL, I never mention about shot.Beagle....
    General Dog Discussions : How to stop my dog bite her back all the times?...

    • How to stop my dog bite her back all the times?

      How to stop my dog bite her back all the times? General Dog Discussions
      Last years the Vet cost me over $125 for her allergies, so is there any way I can put on her back to stop it?I am just asking.Thanks.@Loyal Person@ LoL, I never mention about shot.Beagle.

      How to stop my dog bite her back all the times?

      How to stop my dog bite her back all the times? General Dog Discussions
    • I am sorry, trying to understand question. If you are asking if you can give the shots, the answer is yes. You can do yourself or ask friend who knows how. Shots can be bought at feed store and they come with instructions on how to do. I used to give all my dogs their shots in the thigh. You pinch the skin and inject just under the skin, do on back leg so they don't see you doing it. Be careful you do not go thru skin and other side of skin and lose it in the air. Rabies has to be done by vet or can get done at animal control for cheaper. Rabies is the law and it is good idea to always give parvo to dogs and depending on where you live heart worm is good idea. What kind of dog do you have. I want a sevice dog for my seizures but I can't afford it.

    • Are there any other symptoms besides her biting her back? Skin sores or lesions? A rash?My dog is extremely allergic to flea & tic saliva, and this was exacerbated by her diet, which had a lot of grain in it. She was virtually a tic magnet! Her skin turned pink & swelled, a *lot* of her thin coat fell out, and she would nip at even me if I touched her, because it was very painful.I got her a flea-tic treatment that they put on their skin, to kill both fleas & tics for a month. Then, noticed that --although the continual itching was greatly reduced-- she would still have *terrible* scratching & biting spells for one hour after every feeding. . . she was having an allergic reaction to something in her food. (I suspected the grain.)So, I switched to a *NON*-grain dogfood, which does *NOT* heat the omega-3 oils, but adds them to the other part after they have cooled. She has *no* bad reaction to that.I also have to supplement her diet with: MSM, *Raw* Organic Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar, and Organic Expellar Pressed Coconut Oil. The MSM and the Vinegar normalize the PH of the body, so that the tics & fleas do not find her inviting. . . . This year was reported to be a VERY BAD tic infestation, yet, the only time I found any on her, was when she had recently missed a dose of either MSM or 'ROUACV'. Her skin never turned pink, or swelled, or became painful . . . and, her coat remained intact throughout the summer (except when she went a few days without her MSM/'ROUACV', when she began biting her back legs again).The Coconut Oil improves digestion, calms the nervous system, is anti-inflammatory, and improves allergic conditions . . . among other great attributes.I feed her twice daily, and she gets 1/2 dose of each supplement with each meal.(*It is **important** NOT to give too much MSM, as that can cause diarrhea!)MSM and DMSO: Alternative Health Group & Parasites dosing is given here:www.wolfcreekranch. net/msm_42.html(Remove the space-^-before hitting 'Go!', after copy-pasting the web-address to the URL box.)My 60 lb dog does well with a regular dose of *3/16 of a tsp with each meal* (a total of 6/16 tsp daily).Regarding the vinegar . . . At first my dog was sensitive to it, and I suspect that she had yeast. But, after treating her with the MSM and the Coconut oil --both of which are anti-yeast-- she now eats it with every meal without any reaction. . . .Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs (uses; dose) Pets/acvfordogs.html(Copy paste^ to the URL box, & remove the 1 space in it before hitting 'Go!'.)"...Coconut Oil for PETs!"www.onlynaturalpet. com/products/Nutiva- Organic-Coconut-Oil /255005.aspxAn ounce of *Prevention* is worth a TON of 'cure'!!! ;)