My dog is going to my veterinarian tomorrow because she has an ear problem?

Hey guys. This is about my 3'rd time bringing my dog to the vet, and each time, it has been a different vet (we move a lot). My dog is 3 years old and about 2-3 weeks ago I was checking her over and I looked inside of her ears and there was a pink patch…

    My dog is going to my veterinarian tomorrow because she has an ear problem?

    Hey guys. This is about my 3'rd time bringing my dog to the vet, and each time, it has been a different vet (we move a lot). My dog is 3 years old and about 2-3 weeks ago I was checking her over and I looked inside of her ears and there was a pink patch…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is going to my veterinarian tomorrow because she has an ear problem?...

    • My dog is going to my veterinarian tomorrow because she has an ear problem?

      My dog is going to my veterinarian tomorrow because she has an ear problem? General Dog Discussions
      Hey guys. This is about my 3'rd time bringing my dog to the vet, and each time, it has been a different vet (we move a lot). My dog is 3 years old and about 2-3 weeks ago I was checking her over and I looked inside of her ears and there was a pink patch on her inside ear flap and I thought nothing of it, it was small, smaller than a penny I guess. I didn't think it was that bad but a couple days later, it darkened a bit and now it is dark red. Her WHOLE ear is dark pink/red and there is one red patch in her ear. It isn't a bite as it is 5-9 degree Fahrenheit and there is never any bugs around this time of year, even in the house. Her ear is kind of hot to the touch, smells a little, and has quite a bit of black wax in it. My vet recommend some ear mite meds (Otomite) because he thought she had ear mites but it still hasn't gone away and has gotten worse. I tried something called Zymox too and it didn't work either. She scratches it every once in a while but not excessively and doesn't tilt her head like she has an infection.It DOES have a very small hole in the middle of that red patch that I keep cleaning out because it keeps filling with dirt. The red patch isn't bumpy or raised up or anything, it is completely flat and just looks normal except that it is red. This is only in ONE of her ears, her other one is a dull pink and nice and cool and clean on the inside, and completely clear of wax. I don't get it?Anyway, she has a vet appointment at 9:30 AM tomorrow morning and I just had to quit my small job of the paper route (too cold to be doing it walking and my mother said I needed my sleep because I had to wake up at 3 every morning and then do school afterwards) and I only have $100 now. I was saving it up for their food but now I guess I'll be spending it on her vet bill. I am worried the vet bill will go over $100. The office visit will be $35 plus the meds that she'll need. I have been taking care of my dogs for 3 years and I have had a hard time getting a job because I am 14. Do you think the vet bill will exceed $100? Will they do things to her ears that will cost a lot or do you think they'll just prescribe meds? I'm sure my parents might help if it costs more but I'd feel so bad because I promised I would work to care for my dogs. I paid to have them both spayed/neutered and I pay for their food, vet, and I walk them and brush them. They are my responsibility and I would feel bad if my parents had to pay for them. I know each vet is different but what does your vet do?So, anyway, do you think they'll do anything that will make the bill go over $100? Has this ever happened to your dogs? Do you have any idea what could be wrong with her ear?I'm sorry, I can't post a picture now but I can post one later of her ear if I can get a good picture (my camera sucks). If it helps, she's a German Shepherd/Great Dane mix with floppy ears. O.oHope I gave you enough info! If you need more, just ask! Thanks in advance!

      My dog is going to my veterinarian tomorrow because she has an ear problem?

      My dog is going to my veterinarian tomorrow because she has an ear problem? General Dog Discussions
    • Ouch... first I think (just my opinion) that maybe it would help to stop cleaning the ear? Don't put anything like Q-tips in there (if you were). My vets have always told me only clean the ear with a cottom ball and only as deep in as you can see, don't go trying to get in further down. You may know that already though.The red patch sounds may be is just irritation. With more irritation, comes more wax produced. I used a product called AloeClens from my vet. It works good for yeast and dirt and it's soothing.Here's an article called "a holistic approach to ear problems" if you're interested - to be honest with you, I would have said I wouldn't go to the vet tmw if it was me, except that the ear is hot to the touch. I don't know what's wrong (though I wouldn't have guessed ear mites since you don't describe much itching) but heat means infection, and you don't want that to spread so it's good you're bringing her in, even though money is hard. You can always pay your parents back another time if you need to, or pay them back by doing extra chores.